LOL, had so much fun today xD
yup, last paper, geog. CMI :B
Join me, Gg.com/geographycmi T.T
nvmnvm :P
Study etc lor. Exams T.T LOL, but ytd went cycling. :b Stand behind Audric's chopper, cool :p Went to see the drain with Audric and John. Eerie. Audric = Good driver (: John = Reckless one :P Thn gross thingy with Huiwen, Peixuan, Bryan and Vincent @ Acc. Didn't study my geog, busying doing maths :p Got injured :X and hit bryan's injury. :P
God Bless You.Went out after last paper today (L)
FUN with Huiwen, Yixuan, Clarine, Jasmine, Chiayin, AlanAnn, Chester, Bryan, JohnOng, Peixuan, Mengkiong, Audric and Vincent. Morning book tickets with Bryan. LOL, dk how get tickets :X Sch, geog. Joke ! Thn slack awhile. Show mdm tang my maths thingy. LOL, finally wor. Thn went cp with Huiwen. Bused home with Yushan, Jiahao, Sikai and Liangliang. Faster chiong everything cos was suppose to meet at 11 in Mrt station, yet i reach home at 10.30 :b However, i treach at 11.15 :X Hees, took train with Yixuan, Bryan, John, Clarine and Huiwen to plaza sing first. Ask for the ticket. Intheend, th tickets is th receipt -.- Thn go kopitiam ate :b Alan, Chester and Chiayin arrived too. Went carrefour buy drinks, thn movie :b Watched The Child's Eye !
3D somemore !!! Cool ttm. (: Sit with Alan and Chester. Chester was sleeping !!!! Kidding.
OHMYGOD, OMG, OMG :p LOL, not bad th movie. But ending end too sudden wor. Scarley got part 2 :p Hahaha, when movie end, it's still vehvehveh early :b So, went diaso while Chiayin, Alan and Chester went home. Thn th rest, went to take
neoprints !! :) Cool ttm sia. Took twice with Huiwen, Yixuan, Clarine and Jasmine. And once with Bryan and John included (: Spent $4.20 on it. Worth it :b damn cool :P Thn mrt-ed to cp, Clarine and Jasmine went home. Bryan's wound tio kick by again, by Yixuan :P Bought things tht my mummy ask me too T.T John bought a mineral water at $3 plus. LOL, pH value of 7.8 :b Hahahha, thn bus-ed to acc to meet Peixuan, Mengkiong, Vincent and Audric ! Hahaha, but got to go home early. Walk to bus stop with Yixuan and Huiwen, thn bus-ed to cp and home (: Hahhaha, slackslackslack. Watched
Fighting spiders ! (:
Sian wor, tmr still got cca ):
Thot tmr no papers jiu can dun go sch.
In the end, NP SO ENTHU !
First cca to resume :)
Nvm, tmr promotion ceremony.
ALL THE BEST, EVERYONE !! and next movie up next,
BESTSELLER !!anyone wanna watch ? :P