Thursday, 30 April 2009
LALA, now quite tired.
LOLS, today, went school, no pin. spoilt.
thn went to pe, jog damn slowly for 1 round, thn play badminton.
thn went back, science, thn eng.
compo. very sudden . but quite a lot to write.
some chim words too. :D
thn recess, smuggle greentea.
thn chinese, was like bo chab bo chab like tt.
take file thn throw on floor twice. ping was like cua tio.
thn sci, ppl keep throwing fake cockroach,
junhao, yikimng and vanessa scream and was cua tio.
thn lit, and thn maths.
got test. did quite fast, finish jiu daydream.
hope can pass. :D
thn xuan laoshi like give me, sp, ym, at, rt, yt, ec, dt, wx "detention"
thn write something. haha.
thn was like talking crap with xuan laoshi.
thn went to art room to hand in art.
went to 7-11.
thn eat, chat, thn went back class.
slack a while thn went bball court.
played block catching with hw, sp, ym, qy, jt.
thn very funneh, sp, qy , ym take hw and joey bag. i be bu hou.
thn joey and hw take sp and qy bag. i go save it. :D
thn slack, take some photos.
thn walk to petrol station with weixiang, thn pangseh by him.
walk to cp, sms, eat with parents, thn walk around,
bought a new fan thn went home.
thn sms, eat ice-cream , bathe and use com. :D
LOLS, sian, leg & hand pain.

liangliang, hongjun, weixiang and huangyan. LOLS, playing bball we go tou pai. :D
tags replied :
rammerdude: okok. nvm luh.
JASmine: LOLS, wouldn't, greentea better thn appletea. :D
9:34 pm
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
LOLs, hand and leg very pain.
today, went school, talk with xuan laoshi,
and joey, huiwen and manymore.
went class for temperature taking, cos of th swine flu.
zhu liu gan. LOLS, thn went for art.
do chinese, thn slack. thn chinese, file-ing.
thn recess, eat, thn buy greentea.
thn eng, dont talk bout it.
its not totally her fault leh. thn maths, chiong maths with huiwen.
thn pc, went to hall for talk.
miss joseph say is sexual talk, in the end, is emotional talk.
thn went back, change to pe, went to eat.
thn go back calss slack thn went to hall again.
this time for napfa.
some jokes.
first, sit-up. did 45. LOL, do till stomach pain. thn go shuttle run.
10.8 sec. inprove le. :D quite fastest among our class.
thn inclined pull-up, did 26, do till ahnd pain.
ask wanlingjie, huiwenplasticfriend, yiminmonster to beat my hand.
thn sit and reach. 56 ? LOLS, thn went for standing broad.
LOLs, i wan retest. 163cm nia.
thn went back class, prepare for npcc campcraft test on lashing.
went down at 5, do.
all keep jiayou me. thanks, :D
thn finish around 6.
prepare thn went home with weixiang and aaron.
chase bus but nvr got on.
LOL, bus driver cock eye.
thn went 7-11, slack.
thn some talks. chit-chat.
thn went home, eat potato chips.
thn eat noodle, use com; transfer photots.
thn eat ice-cream, thn bathe, msn too. :D
replied tags :
JOEYT!: LOLS, sad for u lo.
SiEwPeNg: LOLs, u all wan go triple science, i cannot luh.
JASmine: Boys lo. hahahahaha :D
ilovegreentea. & strawberrymilk.
now think appletea quite nice. :D
8:16 pm
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
today, went school, go class, got lightning alert.
wa, shiok . haha. thn slack in class.
geog, return test. got 19/20.
among th 9 ppl who get higheat in 2A. haha
all cua tio man, when cher say my name. LOLS,
thn maths, more slacking, got do some example.
huiwen plasticfriend say me lagger. LOLS,
thn history, got listen leh, with joey girlf.
thn cher say i passed my test. WOW ! tyco de.
thn recess, went to eat. joey, yimin, qianyi & siewpeng was like drawing th doors of th hall.
cos is cold, thn tio scolded by mr koh.
thn qianyi name tio record.
wait-ed as they clean up.
went to eat, buy mango tea.
thn eng, some chatting. thn life edu.
test, was like cheating ? LOL, cheated during many test le.
thn IPW, maths instead. vanessa help me make a small hat.
LOL, must stable it on ur hair with clip.
thn sci, talking, folding paper hearts.
thn assembly, talk, talk, talk.
we won th international friendship day class board deco. :D
haha. thn went back, collect prize, pens.
siewpeng twinneh say quite cheap . LOL.
eat, bought greentea. thn took some photos.
were like putting greentea bottle, appletea bottle, mangotea bottle and lemontea bottle.
thanks denise jie for th lemontea bottle. :D
thn change to uniform cos got cca phototaking.
thn go for international friendship thingy.
thn go com lab, spam th good deeds thingy.
thn go fall in.
from 3.30 fall till 4.30. chat and joke and wait-ed till around 5 thn take.
stand between jaslyn and xuanle.
thn we make a lot of pose. LOL. thn wear npcc uni go for badminton phototaking.
LOLS, me and jason. very special. :D
thn went back class, change, mingyi and aaron tio rape respectively.
by yentzie, junhao, weixiang, edmund and ralph.
me, huiwen, yimin, joey and qianyi were on-lookers.
thn go cdac, plan to return comb to theresa, thn yimin suggest to put in siewpeng shoe.
PS THERESA, tmr give u money for th comb.
thn went home with yimin.
thn bring bro, went home, eat ice-cream. :)
haha. thn use com, watch tv, eat, bathe, sms. (summary) :D
haha. thn do maths homework . very guai hor ?
LOLs, bhb.
bro damn fan. LOL. tmr go napfa ! 5 stations. LOL. die le.
10:01 pm
Monday, 27 April 2009
LOLs, today damn tired de lor.
went school, had pe.
2.4km, fourth round leg pain, freak.
damn slow jog man. haha
15 plus sia, deprove.
thn history, was like day-dreaming.
test, flunk lo.
nvr learn at all, was like cheating throughout man.
haha. hope can pass. :)
thn it, was like talking.
cried, thn chat. hahaha.
thn recess, eat with siewpeng & huiwen.
thn went back class, change clothes.
thn english free period, do zuo ye and fold paper hearts.
thn chinese, xuan laoshi got a game.
LOLs, almost die.
thn lit, and science.
haha. thn school ends, some misunderstanding.
thn went cp eat. tio pangseh by huiwen, huiyi & joey.
thn meet at mac. eat, chat, went back school.
chat a while, bought appletea, went bball court with wanling & siewpeng
got liangliang, weixiang, junhao, yentzie, ralph, kailun, huanyan, hongjun, joash
thn tio pangseh by weixiang.
thn take 161 with liangliang, thn walk-ed back home.
thn use com, sms, thn eat, bathe.
just 1 hour ago spam plurk with joey.
gossip with siewpeng.
9:19 pm
Sunday, 26 April 2009
LOLS, today quite sian.
wake up thn use com. eat porrige.
thn answer calls, use com, went to room, talk, do homework.
mostly is huiwen did th talking, i was like doing homework.
thn mugg-ed.
but slept for like 3-4 hours ?
thn watch star search.
did english and chinese homework, bathe.
thn kope bro crackers. :D
thn now use com.
today, life was a bored !
damn bored. seriously.
haiz... tmr is school.
I WANT 2.4 !
LALA, tmr, hope i wouldn't cry againpass few days was like crying, hope tmr would be better.tags replied :
xinying: ok, link-ed
JOEYT!: yea ! of course . :D
iwantgreentea ! i also want strawberrymilk !
10:19 pm
Saturday, 25 April 2009
LALA, now watching channel 5 th show, called seed of Chucky.
got strong violence. haha
haha, anyway, today, went to meet with siewpeng at coffeeshop,
thn meet yimin, went class, do some class deco, talk with yt bout ytd cca,
went to maths olympiad with theresa, vanessa at 9.30
thn till 10 plus, going 11, went to cdac with yt, theresa and ralph.
thn at there, some quarrel,
after siewpeng and theresa tuition, more quarrel.
me and siewpeng cried.
thn went cp, more quarrel, thn went burger king with sp, theresa, yt and ralph.
thn eat, chit-chat, yentzie damn many rubbish can talk lo.
Damn funneh, me and theresa laugh till wan die.
thn more quarrle, thn pei theresa and ping home
thn with yt and ralph go hougang, thn go yt house
quite clean wat, use com, help ralph do blog, listen music, play cards
thn ask jh come up.
yt and jh went econ buy drinks, thn around 5 plus went down,
see them play soccer, LOLS, thn listen music.
thn went off with ralph, he play money, LOLs. damn funneh.
thn he ask me walk on my own.
LOL, almost go wrong place, thn bus-ed home.
saw chitchuan, thn went home-d.
thn use com, eat, msn, bathe, watch tv.
LOLS. haha.
anyway, thanks joey.
I know what u mean, u are daring but not brave.
anyway, congrats for th first step. :D
hope i could too . :D
anyway, i think they aa nia, no big harm to me. :)
anyway, just thanks.
and R :
i support u ! jiayou !
u will win. :D
how i wished, i could be like joey, have her, for her studies,huiwen, for her pro-ness.but i am me! i am prefect, and i am born in a way th god want me to.I will have confident in myself. :)but, i wouldn't tell u anything.tags replied:♥ ABIGAIL: LOLs, thanks, anyway, u should know smth. :D
YIMINN: yea !
JOEYT!: but at least u have more courage thn me. :)
MICHELLEEE{!}: okok, thanks
Nickky: LOLs, no. NOW ! kidding.
iloveyou !
uloveme !
we are happy family.
LOLS, ilovegreentea & strawberrymilk. :D
10:12 pm
Friday, 24 April 2009
LALA . today quite sian.
morning, leg cramp before going to school. walk till like i paika like tt.
cme, dont know wat to say.
he enter class waste 10 minutes to settle us down. :D
LOLs, me, qianyi, yimin, joey, siewpeng, huiwen was like not listening his lesson.
we were folding paper hearts. :) influence by me lo.
thn me and huiwen started creating something.
red is true love, yellow is shock, blue is sad, brown is confused, black is hatrated.
thn geog, cher give paper, from 2e. LOLS,
thn see video. after geog, surprisingly, th class was quiet.
thn eng, first 5 minute for liangliang, fold paper hearts.
taught miss joseph. :)
thn go through summary.
thn recess, eat noodle by cutting vanessa queue, ps. :P
thn went to help liangliang and joey borrow apron.
LOLs. thn chinese, xuan laoshi like giving us attitude ?
very kiam pa. haha, thn home econ.
practical. :) do with boonkit. cook spaghetti.
haha. thn wait-ed for awhile thn go back class.
eat spaghetti, thn change for npcc.
LOLS. haha, thn went for cca.
quite sian, learn lashing from afrah, thanks. :D
thn no promotion test. LOL. nxt wed. haha.
thn some dances and songs ?
LOLs, tio ask to sing "i ask my love" with JH ?
abby dont jealous, u should know why.
thn blend with sec 3 and 1. LOLS. some acting. very funneh.
thn fall in, ralph emo. CHEER UPs. thn dismiss, went back class, thn pei qianyi buy drinks.
thn with liangliang, yentzie, kailun and hongjun go stairs,
went up call JH, emu, wx and aaron. whereas qianyi use my hp.
thn went out, tio pangseh by weixiang and aaron. again. haiz
thn went home-d, LOL.
thn eat, use com, msn-ed with joey, bathe thn sms. LOLS
today at least better, nvr cried. but quite emo. LOLs. fold paper hearts will work.
tried it. :D
wonder how can i do to... joey so brave, if i could be like her... thats will be great.tags replied:
Liling: yup . but nid stay in hospital for 1 more week. :D
Lyon: thanks.
SiEwPeNg: thanks. :) 92
Vivian'♥: ok.
JOEYT!: :D must call me shifu. LOLs. i know luh, like i stupid like tt.
WANLING: yo jie. :D congrats for being a councillor. :)
ilovegreentea & strawberry milk. :D
8:38 pm
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Lmao, today somehow same as ytd, cried.
today, went school, plan to clip fringe, but nvr.
went toilet with joeygirlf, come back siewpingtwinneh wan us pei her go.
LOLS, went lo, thn pe.
was 2.4 at first, thn change to beeptest, 2.4 on monday ba.
was like scolding with ping for th pe as we were prepare for 2.4.
LOL. nvm, warmup first, cut through 2c.
LOL. thn beeptest.
reach lvl 6 stage 4 ?
LOL. was like th last 3 girls left running lo. improve le. :D
thn ping pro lo, lvl 8 stage 3. haha,
thn science, slack ? keep going in and out of class, so was not listening.
thn eng, comprehension.
thn recess, dont feel like eating, buy strawberry milk.
i started loving strawberry milk. :)
thn joey cried. CHEER UPS. :D i believe u.
thn chinese, doing compo.
everyone was like slacking at first thn in th end all chiong.
cos xuan laoshi say if nvr hand in on time will minus mark
LOLs. thn chiong. last minute hand in, xuan laoshi thn say is wouldn't minus mark.
LOL. -.-
thn sci. digestion and reflection. LOL. dont know will flunk or not.
thn lit. group presentation. LOL.
damn funny, chaoting, liangliang, mingyi, jackson, weixiang group very funneh.
all lot of comedy. hahahahh. all laugh till...
haha. thn yikming, eileen, boonkit, abigail, kahying.
haha. yikming very cool. haha.
thn maths. do pairs work. thn return test paper.
get 23/25. LOLS. thn some misunderstanding.
LOL. cried. thn girls and boys quarrel.
thn wait-ed for joey, huangyan, hongjun, kailun come find liangliang and chaoting.
thn joey came, she zi-high and paiseh too. :D thn went 7-11.
buy greentea and buy noodles. thn went back school.
huangyan, kailun, hongjun still there. LOLS.
thn eat a few mouth, no appetite, throw away noodles.
thn i very crude, scold vulgar.
LOL. still got a lot. those at class during tt period knows. :P
thn do deco. help. thn started to fold paper hearts.
thn siewpeng suddenly say want paper hearts.
so taught evan, weilin, joay and nickson. followed by ralph, jasmine and siewpeng.
haha. thn do almost 90 paper hearts. :)
haha. thn play cards with qianyilaopo, yiminmonster, christie and qianxin.
thn went home at around 6.30
thn buy food thn went home.
eat, talk, use com, bathe. haha.
found out tt our class for class test 3 and 4 th highest all cried lo.
except siewpeng.
this few days very emo. i think i ... nvm. should not let ppl know. :DCHEER ME UP , by giving me greentea.
8:29 pm
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
LOL. FUCKED-up today.
wake up thn go school, thn go art. thn go class take materials.
must simplified, mine damn easy. draw 2 rectangular thn a bit circle jiu can le
thn went back class, carried theresa, vanessa, evan, siewpeng, yimin things to class
like a movable maid. -.-
LOL. thn chinese, tio punished for compo.
dont give a damn. thn do journal.
haha. thn recess, eat, bring greentea up.
LOL. thn english. chiong greentea.
thn maths, ws singing behind class with yimin, qianyi, nickson, qianxin, siewpeng, wanling.
LOL. mini ktv. :D
haha. thn tio punish by cher, talking.
thn pc.
miss joseph not in good mood.
scold me again. fck la. LOL.
tio 3 chers scold in 1 day ?
thn junhao very wat.
fucker la.
thn emo through th whole pc.
cried ? LOL.
thn after school.
still emo, kailun return money. a bit blur.
LOL. ps. thanks ar. no mood uh.
thn went cp.
LOL. got my mood back.
but still emo luh. thn in class chat.
slack, play cards. thn went home with yimin, weixiang and aaron
thn reach home, bathe, eat, msn, blog.
haven do homework . NID CHIONG !
now a bit pissed.
anyway congrats chinese dance and co get silver for syf.
u all did ur best le. :D
must feel proud. :)
8:40 pm
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHTZIE (yentzie) ! Dont be so CHILDISH anymore can ? LOL.
LOL. haven completed maths homework. And art !
LOLS. hahah. pathetic.
today, big rain in th morning. LOL . pathetic.
lucky dad got car, drove me, thn reach school walk around thn talk with jasmine outside class.
hahaha. thn went class. quite hyper. wish yt happy birthday.
thn yt and aaron ask miss chin why all science cher keep zaoxia-ing; thn miss chin say sexy ma !
LOLS. thn geog. test. OK luh. quite easy cos knew it beforehand.
thn maths lesson, do homework with wanling jie.
thn history. do workbook.
thn recess. almost tio pangseh. LOL .
thn give kailun $2. thn buy food, buy milk thn buy foolscape thn went back class.
eng, do news in class thn life edu, slack for th whole period.
play true or dare. thn IPW, cher use for maths, do with wanling jie.
thn science, copy notes. chitchat. had jokes inbetween.
thn assembly. ok luh. today quite sian.
thn go back class, no cca. :D thn help mr krishnan do tables for oral .
GOODLUCK boys. :)
thn me, siewpengtwinnie, yiminmonster, qianyilaopo, wanlingjie, huiwenplasticfriend went to monster house.
along th way, me and siewpengtwinnie say miss chin, sh finding ppl.
thn she go suan huiyi indirectly.
LOLs. thn go "fall-in" a while cos mr tong want talk with us, thn 20 min pass,
thn take bus, chase bus luh. LOL. a group of siaozabor.
thn talk in bus, thn went to eat at coffeeshop.
hahahaha. wanling dua pai lo.
haha. thn we went to iecon, buy drinks, went to yiminmonster house.
watch tv, play poker and chitchat.
haha. :) thn around 4.15, siewpengtwinnie & wanlingjie go off. LOLs. sad.
thn went playing cards.
LOLs, learn 2 new games, all thanks to huiwenplasticfriend. haha.
thn went down play badminton a while. :D
thn play till around 6.30 plus thn all g home, brought bro, meet with mom, went home
watch tv, sms, bathe thn eat.
thn i ask my bro help wash plate which he promised me during dinner.
thn he break th promise. thn i angry. scold vulgarities.
LOLS. FUCK, KNN, CB all come out from my mouth. :X
LOL. dont give a damn. thn use com and do homework and sms with siewpengtwinnie. haha
anyway, congrats to NCHS Chior for getting a GOLD ! :D
hope chinesedance & co can get a GH. (:
haha. :D anyway, happybirthday yentzie. :D
tags replied:
JOEYT!: Okok. anyway class almost those love to gossip one know liao ma. ok, i go edit till not so obvious. :D
Lyon: thanks. :)
♥ ABIGAIL: haha. :)
9:08 pm
Monday, 20 April 2009
LOL. dont feel like going school again ! LOLs. haha.
cos got geog test. LOLS. brain going to explode.
haha. todya school as per normal.
sit with plasticfriend. thn recess me, ping, minn, joey, huiwen was discussing wat names we called each other.
like i call huiwen plasticfriends, call yimin monster, call siewpeng twinnie.
but with joey dont know lo. haha.
thn after school got oral. LOLS. haha.
ps short post. cos nid go study geog. (:
GOODLUCK to 2A for geog test and ppl having oral tmr. :D
10:05 pm
Sunday, 19 April 2009
seriously, dont feel like going school. but nid help joey matchmake.
haiz. haha. her future is in my hands !! !!
LOL. haha. today quite sian luh. at home slack.
emo in th afternoon. LOL. for no reason.
thn go giant at somewhere around 5 plus.
thn eat and went shopping.
LOLS. nvr buy a lot things luh. no mood.
thn went home-d, bathe thn watch tv.
FUCK ! nvr bring lit textbook home lo.
how copy ? LOLs. tmr must act le leh !
LOLs. wish me good luck ba.
hahah !
JOEY ! enough le. haha. keep he so cute . LOL. tmr i go intro le. :D
8:58 pm
LOLS. ytd mvr post cos too tired. LOLs.
haha. okok.
ytd went school for geog lesson.
reach school cher say wat all parts of th school haven open.
thn boys to play bball, say wat dont want go geog.
thn i wait for huiwen, joey, siewpeng.
yimin pangseh me. LOLs.
thn we go up to th meeting room wait and wait.
and chat. thn me and joey pekchek say by 8.15 cher nvr come we go.
thn cher really come at 8.15.
wtf ! is th timing we can go off man.
thn i go take paper. 15 pieces. thn me, joey, siewpeng, yimin & huiwen zao.
haha. thn walk to bball court find boys.
thn go econ buy drinks. me and joey tabao.
thn come back.
we go try th jolly thingy drink.
thn taste like carsberg. yimin also say tt too.
thn i eat. LOLs. thn joey dont feel like eating so let siewpeng eat some.
siewpeng eat till got an ant? come and taste th chilli.
wtf ? look disgusting. me & yimin first to zao.
haha. thn around 9 go back for maths remedial.
me & ralph go there slack and do some maths olympiad hw.
thn around 9.45 go com lab.
wa. haha. theresa & vanessa 9.30 thn come too.
haha. thn lesson.
evan and yentzie come. LOLS.
thn sms and thn around 11 go cdac with ralph, yentzie & theresa.
thn ralph and yentzie go cp eat.
me, huiwen & yimin wait for siewpeng & theresa.
thn we chat luh. thn read comic.
LOLS. huiwen write her compo. sibei zai.
haha. thn i ask theresa to go cp. LOLS.
we keep at there arguing.
LOLS. in the end let her off.
if not she go complain to someone i die.
LOL . :D
thn me, siewpeng, yimin &huiwen go cp eat at mac.
thn wnt shopping ? walking to be exact
thn went to minitoons. me and ping was like damn happy to see so many bears.
we both also agree tt who buy us one sure be damn touched. LOLS.
haha. buy for ping 1 ferrari she sure marry u de. LOL.
thn went home-d with minn.
bath, use com a while thn meet clavell, yimin, michelle and jerron.
clavell and jerron wear same shirt just tt is of th opposite colour.
thn bus-ed to pasir ris.
wait for weijie.
LOLs. clavell see pole jiu do vertically pull-up
LOLs. act pro lo.
thn waited for 2 bus 3 before weijie reach.
LOLs. thn went to simei.
eat at eastpoint.
i chiong rootbeer lo.
thn went to changi hospital. went to ward 29.
saw nigel and his mom. nigel so skinny can.
was sick cos of virus. pathetic nigel.
29 kilo nia. skinnier thn weixiang
thn we walk to th lobby there. nigel become hyper.
we talk, chat, talk.
LOLs. jokes inbetween.
gossip too . LOLs. thn nigel father come. LOL.
thn we walk around. LOLS. jerron march till tong shou tong jiao.
LOL. noob. sms, chit chat and more chat.
thn went back to th ward cos nigel nid to have his dinner.
look at him eating. LOLs. he have so damn many stress.
thn went to th lounge to watch tv.
watch mimic. LOL. me, clavell & yimin was like scared ?
thn nigel want sleep.
so we went out. dont want to disturbe him
rest well and get well soon !
thn went to coffeeshop to eat.
to be exact is me, michelle & yimin watch clavell & jerron eating chickenrice.
LOLs. jokes in between.
me: wat is MPAW ?
jerron: michelle parents are
michelle: werid.
me, yimin, clavell, jerron & michelle was like laughing.
me: why must be michelle ?
jerron: thn my parents are wealthy !
clavell: my parents are short .
michelle: w luh. not s.
me: my parents are
jerron: wonderful.
michelle: my parents are wet !
me: my ______ are wet !
michelle: i dont know u(tiffany). LOLs.
haha. so damn funny.
thn another one.
michelle: why do boys eat till so damn clean ( cos clavell eat finish his plate)
me & yimin: dont know ?
thn jerron was bout to eat finish
me: eat cleaner.
yimin: spoon have some too.
jerron go lick it.
thn he put his plate aside
michelle: got 1 more rice here la.
jerron: dont want le la.
LOLS. so damn funny lo. thn we walk to park.
clavell saw more poles. LOLS. more pull-up.
thn me & michelle playing swings. yimin emo liao.
thn clavell say there got all 5 station. so jerron went and play.
LOLS. clavell damn agile lo. thn went home-d.
father drives us back.
in th van, yimin emo-ing; thn michelle a bit, jerron and clavell damn hyper.
they was like fighting ?
LOLS. thn reach punggol. all get off at th trafficlight.
LOL. byes !
thn went home-d. LOLs
eat dinner thn bathe.
thn want use com. but sibei lag.
so give up. went to sleep. :)
tags replied :
JOEYT!: LOLS. u very... i know uh. to u he th cutest luh. :D
10:29 am
Friday, 17 April 2009
LALA ! manage to snatch th com away from mom and bro.
LOLS. 12.30 go meet with weixiang
he late thn bus go off.
LOLS. thn nxt bus full. manage to squeeze in.
thn walk go school.
change. thn go 2a put bag
thn go d&t room watch video
thn reheresal. LOLs. quite good luh.
eat lunch and change to full uni thn 4 plus fall in.
real parade start.
haha. dont dare move. thn take photos after parade
change thn talk. rmb tt saw mr yeo ytd. he fa fu le. he say weixiang grow taller.
LOLS. thn after talk, go see boys play bball.
thn go back, thn go cp.
eat thn saw siewpeng, qianyi, yimin.
thn talk with yentzie, liangliang, chaoting
thn take bus with yimin, weixiang, aaron, liangliang;
while yentzie and chaoting wait for hongjun they all.
thn on bus saw kailun, huangyan, hongjun and joash walking. haha !
thn go home.
bathe, sms, watch tv.
Joey ! must introduce him to u earlier, if not u will keep saying he cute.
haha. no offence. only we 2 know. (:
tags replied:
JOEYT!: LOLs. his nickname ma.
YIMINN: lazy ma. LOLS. anyway quite fun leh detention.
Ur cousin: LOLs. why must come punggol plaza th lan ?
Vivien: ok. no problem.
Liling: nvm. :D i will.
10:16 pm
LOLs. sibeisong.
anyway no difference luh. wake up around th time i mostly wake when got school.
tio bro wake up luh.
say wat he already bathe thn ask me go.
LOLs. i no school today leh.
haha. thn bro today so enthu. 6.30 go school.
LOLs. school only below, cross a traffic light can le.
thn slack lo. thn wash up. thn dad help me do more polishing.
LOLs. thn go below coffeeshop to eat.
thn walk back. haha.
thn use com. hahaha.
now slacking. haha.
tags replied later.haha... ilovegreentea.
rmb our challenge
9:05 am
Thursday, 16 April 2009
YEA ! 100 post le. (:
song man !
LOLS. today almost late for school.
LOLS. miss 2 bus in a row.
zai bo ?
thn no pe at first. in th end got.
but a lot ppl nvr bring pe attire.
thn slack.
thn sci. cher say got 16 ppl no nid go remedial.
thn i was like me sure no nid go remedial.
thn theresa and huiwen was like bhb ?
thn i keep tiffany tiffany.
thn really, i no nid go remedial,
so do evan, huiwen, theresa, siewpeng.
thn was like damn happy ?
thn english, miss joseph collect homework, 6 ppl nvr hand in.
thn me, qianyi, christie tio detention for 2 hours.
thn had situational writing.
i was th first to complete ?
took 25 minutes instead of 40 minutes.
LOLs. seriously dont know how do lo.
thn recess. thn chinese. got th fu laoshi.
damn funny lo. do compo.
thn is bout if money could buy everything.
thn qianyi say money can buy sex but not love.
thn say till damn loud. thn th cher was like staring at her.
thn sci again. slacking.
2c ppl was like borrowing calculator.
first was chelster. we ask vanessa to lent, she paiseh.
thn yewhui come. thn he shout my name.
LOLs. cos my sci cher was their form cher.
LOLs. he call th time i was like slacking cos plasticfriend was drawing my hand.
MUHAHHA. thn he say lent him calculator. i lent lo.
thn he also say elvin wan borrow.
all shout say christie go lent. she paiseh.
in th end, i take huiwen one go lent, :D
thn lit. got group acting.
theresa and jasmine group. hahah.
me, qianyi, huiwen, yimin, siewpeng was like talking.
cher minus quite a lot points oin our group le.
thn maths. go 2c class take back calculator.
yewhui say easy. thn me, qianyi, mingyi, nickson, yimin, siewpeng, wanling change place
thn me and siewpeng was like cheating ?
haha. saw her question blank thn i do thn let her copy.
ps twinnie if some of th question i let u copy is wrong.
thn take back maths class test 3.
FREAK ! 15 nia. theresa full marks ?! pro lo !
i was like damn zi bei ? cos so many ppl win me including jackson.
quite a lot ppl fail. thn got few cry, many zibei ?
thn joash, huangyan, kailun, hongjun come find liangliang they all to play bball.
thn me,qianyi and christie go detention.
till 4. thn go off. thn me and qianyi go buy drinks thn go bball court.
thn see, talk, find siewpeng.
play, chat, jokes in th middle
a lot buy greentea and drink. tio me influence le. (:
only me, qianyi, siewpeng, yentzie, junhao, liangliang, chaoting, weixiang, kailun, huangyan, hongjun, joash know all things happen during bball court.
thn 6 plus go home.
reach home eat, bathe, talk on phone, use com, polish boots, sms, use com again.
thn qianyi call say ping th keys with her. LOLS. thn how ping enter her house de ?
LOLs. lala. tmr no school ! yea. school anniversary ma.
in parade. sian lo. ppl be audience, we march ?
FUCK ! LOL. so crude.
haha. maths test quite easy. haha.
ilvoegreentea !
greentea better thn appletea !
tags replied:
greeniieginny♥: nxt time go out to etp tgt. :D
Liling: i already post it. just scroll it down.
crystalang: oh. linked le.
Nickky: LOLs. freaking miss chin. why must choose this day. tmr see first.
9:11 pm
ok. reply liling.
we will meet a t2.35.
thn we will go off once everyone going arrived.
thn we will see.
thn we will see which route to take cos got 4 way.
1: we will take bus 3 to pasir ris thn take mrt to simei thn walk to th hospital
2: we take bus 3 to tampines thn take bus 38 to hospital.
3: we take bus 34 to tampines blk 205 thn take bus 38 to hospital.
4: we take mrt to simei thn walk to hospital.
so we shall decide when we meet.
can kindly tell me by tmr th latest ?
either through sms or tagbox. (:
8:19 pm
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
LOLs. Freaking happy now !
just ended a misunderstanding. :D
But mom scolding bro.
haha. LOLS.
still slack on bed. overslept.
thn go school by bus.
only wake to school. nvr walk to bus stop.
LOL. too lazy to.
thn reach school, art.
must draw. LOLS.
draw th board outside 2A. Love 2A too much.
LOLs. keep disiao theresa.
HAHA ! only those in my art group know.
thn chinese.
LOLS. xuan laoshi chiong lesson man.
first is xuan laoshi jiang ping, thn is news in class, thn is 6 ppl kou yu.
pro lo.
thn at her lesson do my hp.
yea ! my hp is back ! sibei song !
thn recess.
smuggle 1 bottle of greentea, 1 bottle of grape and 2 bottle of strawberry milk.
thn smth happen outside th class.
thought is miss joseph in class sia.
thn english.
learn oral and informal letter.
tmr test on informal letter. sure fail.
thn maths.
seriously slacking.
thn pc.
some oral example thn go off for lunch cos got th parade thingy.
thn change uniform.
go fall in. thn train.
so hot thn leg so pain. haiz...
thn train, scolding,train.
5 plus going 6 go home.
finally. haha talk in class a while thn go home.
thn reach home slack.
quarrel with bro. argue lo.
thn eat thn bathe.
thn sms, watch tv and use com. haha.
ilovegreentea verymuch !
tags replied :
MICHELLEEE{!}: LOLs. u very xin zai le huo lo. but my hp ok le. (:
9:00 pm
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Heys 6Grace' 07 ppl,for your info,nigel has been admitted to hospital cos of high we are planning to visit him.Venue: Changi hospitalLobby: bLevel: 9Ward: 29Bed: 31Date: Tis saturdayTime: 2.35 pm (clavell can only meet at this timing)Meet at : Traffic light outside edgefield who want to go visit him tell me through sms or msn or tagbox.thanks. (:by friday night will tell who is going.
9:03 pm
LOLS. Fck ! Today suay lo.hp drop into a bucket of using temp wake up but quite tiredcos ytd midnight hp drop off th bed.took quite long to retrieve backthn take bus.go school.slack.geog was like cheating with plasticfriend lo.thn maths.more slacking.thn history. damn slacking.thn recess.thn eng.miss joseph scolding.thn do informal letter.thn life ed.slack.ipw, slacksci, quiz...LOLS. flunk. i cheated lo. copy plasticfriend answer.thn with junjie and xuanle.thn go back class.thn eat thn buy green extra so give 2e ppl cos 2a ppl dont know go where.thn huangyan xiang wai.LOLS. dont anyhow say hor. huangyan !thn go pei qianyi find xuan laoshi.zai lo. qian ! pei fu.thn go cca.train train train.thn 5.30 go back class.walk to th playground outside cdac with minn,wx and aaron.thn ping sms.thn they finish tuition ask ping,theresa and kailun wan play.kailun say no jiu go home.theresa nvr si bei hyper !!haha.thn play catching thn blind mice.haha.thn catching again.thn around 6.30 go home.thn reach home eat,thn bathe.freak hp due to vibration, vibrate till drop off th toilet bowl th cover.thn drop into th bucket tt contain a few ml of hp thn spoilt.FUCK suay.iwantmyphone !anyway, today is benjamin birthday.happy birthday. (:tags replied : JOEYT!:
LOLs. i kua jiang u chio thn tio scolded. u good lo.
8:45 pm
Monday, 13 April 2009
LALA ! today is school !wake up late. cos nvr put alarm. pathetic.thn take 6.50 bus. with weixiang, liangliang & jackson.thn saw huiyi along th way.tio pangseh by weixiang and liangliang.thn pe. run thn gamesthn history.chiong chinese compo and tingxie.thn IT. LOLs.thn recess.nid bring duster but thn forgot.lucky minn and ping bring up.haha.thn go back class.change, talk ?and danston dont anyhow say hor ! huangyan is theresa de.LOLS. kidding.thn eng.thn chinese.go lab.ting xie first.many cheated sia. including me . (:thn use com.cher say cannot go other website.but like almost all go other website like blogs, facebook, etcthn go back for group presentation.thn sci.go lab. haha. play with !thn go back.nid copy 10 times of correction lo.for failing th science quiz.freak. copy till damn fck up lo.thn eat lunch.hongjun give me a dollar for th greentea.bought greentea thn go for english remedial.thn finish at 3pm.early 30 minhaha.thn go bball court.haha.junhao, joash, huangyan at there playing.thn me, liangliang, chaoting go.thn they playing match with 3g & 3h ppl.thn kailun and hongjun come.thn talk with szechi.thn they play thn rest.all sit down talk.thn go school for a while.come back th bags shifted.haha.but waterbottle tio pangseh.LOLs. they say kailun help ? LOLS. anyway thanks.but just find out tt my spect box tio crushthn my spect become wai.LOLS.thn they play 1 on 1.kailun with hongjun.5:4 ba.kailun win.thn liangliang with huangyan.liangliang lose ba.LOLs. he not on form.thn they play match.thn weixiang lo.thn play play play...some jokes in between.thn kailun go off.thn they play play play.see them till wan sleep.LOLS.thn chaoting nvr play, he rest.thn all play.muhaha.thn around 5.50 go back school.thn go home.tio pangseh by weixiang. fck, 2 times le.thn go bring bro thn go home.thn use com and sms and watch tv.haha.(:muhaha. my spect box tio squash.thn spect go wai.LOLS. father fix.haha.(:LOLs.tmr got npcc. want to pon man !LOLs.ilvoegreentea ! (:tags replied :JOEYT!:
LOLs. is so damn cool lo. and is jamby. haha.
LOLs. thanks.YIMINN:
LOLs. u be redtea za bor wan ?SiEwPeNg:
LOLs. why emu ? at least i say kailun is better thn ur emu right ?YIMINN:
LOLS. u and siewpeng take turns spam my tagbox ar ?SiEwPeNg:
Huangyan is confirm theresa de.JASmine: haha :D
thanks. urs also.
7:44 pm
Sunday, 12 April 2009
lala... today never drink greentea very weird lo.dont feel like doing homework.sian.things to do :-xuanxuan laoshi's compo-maths journal-2008 class test for maths-simultaneous equations-chapt 4 revision worksheet-ting xieth compo i qian xuan laoshi for 1 week le.still dont feel like doing. LOLsms yeo spam homework lo,pathetic.haha... now slacking.haha. stuck in th compo.every 5 to 10 minutes write 1 word.haha. thn go facebook-ing.haha.parents just come back from more freedom.LOLS.hahatoday whole day at home.except for breakfast which is outsidehaha.yea ! tmr's schooldont wan go man.but got 2 free greentea why dont go.wat a wastehaha ! sian...nth to post damn boring !Tags replied :XL: spammer la u. still spam some i dont even understand de.
ur cousin: LOLs. thanks.
jovi,: haha. thanks. :D
7:16 pm
Saturday, 11 April 2009
doing th post on joey blog.
Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions.Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same.
1. Theresa mama
2. Vanessa jie
3. SiewPeng chiobu
4. YiMin chiobu
5. Huiwen plasticfriend.
6. Joey th mojojo.
7. Qianyi laopo
8. Chiayin laopo
9. BoonKit
10. Abigail laopo
11. MichelleChan
12. Baozhen mei
13. Freddie
14. Patrick
15. Weixiang
16. Liangliang
17. YenTzie
18. JunHao
19. KaiLun
20. Huangyan
21. HongJun
those name written for girls is real but for boys is anyhow write de. not according and all is through GOD ! luck lo.
-How did you meet 7? [QianYi]
At nchs. :)
-What would you do if you have never met 15? [Weixiang]
I would have 1 ppl less to pei me take bus. :D
-What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? [Huangyan & Theresa]
I will buy theresa a present as i say. haha. ;D
-Have you ever seen 17 cry? [Yentzie]
No ba. but i have seen him gone crazy. LOL
-Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? [Yimin & Liangliang]
Er. dontknow. but all i know is tt yimin loves her dear !
-Do you want to be 13's friend forever? [Freddie]
Why not ? no harm duh .
-Do you think 11 is attractive? [MichelleChan]
Yup. Damn attractive.
-What’s 5’s favorite color? [Huiwen]
Er. shit ! i dontknow. LOL. Plastic colour ?
-When was the last time you talked to 9? [Boonkit]
Er. Last day of school before good friday.
-What language does 8 speak? [Chiayin]
English, Chinese ... Cat language.
-Who is 13 going out with? [Freddie]
Hmmm. Break liao lo. LOL.
-What grade is 16 in? [Liangliang]
Sec 2. But very old. haha.
-Would you ever date 17? [YenTzie]
Never in my life. he is my papa. (:
-Where does 18 live? [JunHao]
-What is the best thing about 4? [YiMin]
She's Chio !
-What would you like to tell 10 right now? [Abigail]
Stay long with JH !
-What is the best thing about 20? [Huangyan]
Nothing . haha.
-Have you ever kissed 2? [Vanessa]
No. but she tries to kiss me once.
-What’s the best memory you have of 5? [Huiwen]
Violent. Haha. plasticfriend
-When’s the next time you’re going to see 4? [Yimin]
School on monday.
-How is 7 different from 6? [QianYi & Joey]
Hmmm. Size ? Characteristic ? Qian Yi damn zai !
-Is 2 pretty? [Vanessa]
Duh. She have a great figure.
-What was your first impression of 15? [Weixiang]
Short ! Handsome ? LOL. No offence.
-How did you meet 3? [Siewpeng]
School, nchs.
-Is 15 your best friend? [Weixiang]
Hmmm. Kinda .
-Do you hate 12? [BaoZhen]
Nope. Never !
-Have you seen 18 in the last month? [Junhao]
Yes, School duh.
-When was the last time you saw 16? [Liangliang]
Thursday in bus 161 after playing bball.
-Have you been to 5’s house? [Huiwen]
Yes, for project. Her house damn big and empty.
-When’s the next time you’ll see 10? [Abigail]
Monday Morning.
-Are you close to 11? [MichelleChan]
Quite, we are neighbour cum friends.
-Have you been to the movies with 4? [Yimin]
ytd just went to watch th unborn :D
-Have you gotten in trouble with 8? [Chiayin]
-Would you give 19 a hug? [Kailun]
He ta bor leh. Wat do u think ? ==
-When have you lied to 3? [Siewpeng]
Er. No collection.
-Is 11 good at socializing? [MichelleChan]
Somehow ?
-Do you know a secret about 8? [Chiayin]
Yes !
-Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. [BaoZhen & JunHao]
Stranger? They dont even know each other.
-What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? [Boonkit]
She help me in maths and telling me what homework i have. :)
-What’s the worst thing about 6? [Joey]
Hmmm. Too despo. kidding.
-Have you ever had a crush on 12? [BaoZhen]
I not les la.
-How long have you known 2? [Vanessa]
1 year plus.
-Have you ever been in a fight with 13? [Freddie]
Yes. Some misunderstanding.
-Does 11 have a bf/gf? [MichelleChan]
No ba.
-Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? [Theresa]
Yes, for being to bhb.
-Has 21 met your mother? [HongJun]
-How did you meet 11? [MichelleChan]
Forget le.
-Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? [Siewpeng]
Yup, we damn violent and she is crude.
-Do you live close to 7? [QianYi]
She lives in hougang, i punggol.
-What is 8’s favorite food? [Chiayin]
No idea.
-What kind of car does 1 have? [Theresa]
Toycar ?
-Have you traveled anywhere with 9? [BoonKit]
To bus stop and her house.
-If you gave 14 $100, what would they spend it on? [Patrick]
Er. No idea. Wait till this day come.
Yea ! end le. LOL.
lazy to tag like joey.
those name written from 1 to 21 if u wan can try it out. (:
today wake up with 2 weird dreams.
thn prepare jiu go school.
thn watch bball boys training thn go maths olympiad.
thn finish go CDAC.
but before tt go buy GREENTEA !
thn till 12 thn go cp
when shopping with theresa and yentzie
thn around 1 plus went home.
thn play com,watch tv, eat
thn slack, sms, and fighting with bro.
thn drink greentea tt was brought by my mom.
i bet i will drink it all !
thn use com.
now watching tv.
my bro very fan !
nehneh la him !
GREENTEA rocks !tags replied !baozhenツ:
thanks. :DMICHELLEEE{!}:
next time go out thn go cam-whore-ing.JOEYT!:
haha. make sure u rmb nxt time. :)
4:19 pm
Friday, 10 April 2009
LOL. just come back from si bei song !wake up.use com.prepare thn meet with minn.thn go hm find ping,,joey,plastic friend and qian yi.thn go plaza.thn want watch slot. so walk to the cathaythn buy movie for the unborn.hall 5, row b, seat 11-16, 3.25 timing slot.thn walk back to 2 bottle of greentea.LOLs.spamming.thn slack at mac.saw zhanchun and scott.thn walk back to cathay.under th rain.thn slack, gossip thn go the hallLOLs.the sitting arrangement is hw,ym,sp,joey,qy and methn start.quite scary.pian sms pian tell qian yi wat happening in th movie.LOLs.quite a lot scary parts la.but $10 is worth it. haha.thn go back pasta.thn take mrt home.gossip.haha.gossip all th way homereach home found out no ppl lo.sian...haha.gastric..pathetic !anyway.greentea nice to drink !
7:36 pm
Thursday, 9 April 2009
LALA ! holiday le !, wake up late.pathetic.6.15 thn wake up.chiong everything.but lucky never miss bus.haha.thn raining.LOLs.walk under th rain.haha.reach school sock and shoe wet.thn chiong homework thn sneezehaha. flu le.thn no bei song !thn sci.miss chin keep zao xia...haha.thn eng.recess.chinese.ting xie thn kou yu thn others.thn sci again.keep zao xia lo. hahathn lit.cher late come class.thn we test.any-o-how do.haha.thn maths.cher spam homework.but chiong homework.haha.thn end greentea !haha.thn no eng remedial. ==thn go opera.LOLs.replace iced water as greentea.haha.thn finish opera go find liang liang they bball.i never play huang yan and hong jun.snatch my hp thn zao.freak them lo.thn jiu ren ming.thn they sent msg. till 6 plus go back with weixiang.thn go home.thn eat,bathe and keep nagging bout sms-ing.LOLs.MUHAHA !tmr going out !YES !good friday really very good.hong jun ask why no good monday or even good year .LOLs.haha.ilovegreentea !hong jun and huang yan owe me 1 bottle of greentea. (:iwantgreentea !Tags replied !ur cousin:
LOLs. (: true wat. he is a gay since pri sch. LOL no offence.
9:02 pm
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Happy brithday ABIGAIL !LALA.happy birthday to you !happy birthday to you !happy birthday to Abby !happy birthday to you !LALA.happy birthday.wish u happiness with JH ! (:
10:12 pm
LOLs. maths paper haven return.but cher say fail jiu go remedial.bout half go lohaha.heng i pass. (:LALA.maths hw sucks.LOLs.tmr got ting xie. pathetic.
never learn yet.haha. still got shi yong wen.haiz. tmr got english remedial.pathetic.Tired. wan sleep.tags replied !DANSTON:
LOLs ! Link me leh.JOEYT!:
Nehneh ! (:
9:17 pm
Monday, 6 April 2009 to post th com in my parent channel 5 very final destination 3.wa. kao man.a lot of violence go out luh.wake up thn watch tv.thn 2 plus go to luh. freddie. i dont mean not to go etp with u all.just tt i got family dont angry luh.i still owe u present leh.LOL.thn go till 8 plus.thn chiong hw.LOL.thn eat final destination 3 damn scary .is pg man.thn got strong violence ??LOL.smth like tt luh.chinese ting xie haven learn.patheticmuhaha.tmr got school.haiz.better go sleep now.later tmr cannot wait up.haha.elmo rocks !路遥知马力, 日久见人心 !
TIFFany ! ♥
tags replied !JOEYT!:
LOL. is secret. a promise ! (:rubecca:
路遥知马力, 日久见人心. tis one most nice luh. u should know wat i mean. hahaHuiyi:
LOL. thanks. (:-szechi.:
LOL. hi ! ;D
12:03 am
Saturday, 4 April 2009
LOL.tired of th typing.haha.
i now a bit happy. (:
for those who know. (:
tired.anyway suddenly love tis ming ju.金玉其外, 败絮其中 .for no reason. (:hahah.those who know glad for u.and tis one too.路遥知马力, 日久见人心 !
10:10 pm
Edited .LOL. Just finish doing th chinese challenge.
got a question is ask bout 四美.
i stay there when i young leh.
how can i dont know.
all parts of simei got a block sure got th picture of 1 of th 四位美女.
asking rubbish. LOLs.
a lot ask mom th.
ask bout stock.
u think i pro in stock meh ?
thn got ask bout th english idioms change to chinses.
my english sucks man !
dont care luh.
i give xuan laoshi face.
so go do.
rubbish.anyway. ytd and plastic friend (huiwen) never go schoolsick.thn cme joey sit with tong lesson no one listening to him lo.thn geog. copy notes.thn eng.joey got to move back thn tio punishfor not completing th outline.LOLs.sit outside classroom do lo.qian xin was like crying.pathetic.haha.thn recess. thn chineseactually got ting xie.but wei xiang kou yu and joey too.joey save us ! iloveyou man.thn home econ.chiong 4 topic in less thn 3 lesson onwards is practical le.haha. hong jun better return my apron.haha. kidding.thn go eat thn quite slack.most of th time for drills is use up in ckecking of uniform and breaks (:thn is potluck.LOL. pizza.thn go home !tio pang seh by wx and aaron.thn on bus saw chitchuan.thn go home.bathe and today got parade. but go for 30 min jiu go maths olympiad.haha.thn maths finish np finish.thn go cdac.thn go cp.haha,theresa late for tuition for like 1 hour chinese challenge.damn difficult.
2:49 pm
Thursday, 2 April 2009
金玉其外, 败絮其中路遥知马力, 日久见人心.LOLs.tio xuan lao shi influence.hoho.everyday enter class jiu dont feel like doing homework.LOL.chinese okok la. just take got maths test.FLUNK ! sure FAIL one.anyhow do.haiz.pathetic !if never flunk jiu weird lo.haha.sad !dont do chinese compo.金玉其外, 败絮其中
路遥知马力, 日久见人心. !
9:00 pm
Thursday, 30 April 2009
LALA, now quite tired.
LOLS, today, went school, no pin. spoilt.
thn went to pe, jog damn slowly for 1 round, thn play badminton.
thn went back, science, thn eng.
compo. very sudden . but quite a lot to write.
some chim words too. :D
thn recess, smuggle greentea.
thn chinese, was like bo chab bo chab like tt.
take file thn throw on floor twice. ping was like cua tio.
thn sci, ppl keep throwing fake cockroach,
junhao, yikimng and vanessa scream and was cua tio.
thn lit, and thn maths.
got test. did quite fast, finish jiu daydream.
hope can pass. :D
thn xuan laoshi like give me, sp, ym, at, rt, yt, ec, dt, wx "detention"
thn write something. haha.
thn was like talking crap with xuan laoshi.
thn went to art room to hand in art.
went to 7-11.
thn eat, chat, thn went back class.
slack a while thn went bball court.
played block catching with hw, sp, ym, qy, jt.
thn very funneh, sp, qy , ym take hw and joey bag. i be bu hou.
thn joey and hw take sp and qy bag. i go save it. :D
thn slack, take some photos.
thn walk to petrol station with weixiang, thn pangseh by him.
walk to cp, sms, eat with parents, thn walk around,
bought a new fan thn went home.
thn sms, eat ice-cream , bathe and use com. :D
LOLS, sian, leg & hand pain.

liangliang, hongjun, weixiang and huangyan. LOLS, playing bball we go tou pai. :D
tags replied :
rammerdude: okok. nvm luh.
JASmine: LOLS, wouldn't, greentea better thn appletea. :D
9:34 pm
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
LOLs, hand and leg very pain.
today, went school, talk with xuan laoshi,
and joey, huiwen and manymore.
went class for temperature taking, cos of th swine flu.
zhu liu gan. LOLS, thn went for art.
do chinese, thn slack. thn chinese, file-ing.
thn recess, eat, thn buy greentea.
thn eng, dont talk bout it.
its not totally her fault leh. thn maths, chiong maths with huiwen.
thn pc, went to hall for talk.
miss joseph say is sexual talk, in the end, is emotional talk.
thn went back, change to pe, went to eat.
thn go back calss slack thn went to hall again.
this time for napfa.
some jokes.
first, sit-up. did 45. LOL, do till stomach pain. thn go shuttle run.
10.8 sec. inprove le. :D quite fastest among our class.
thn inclined pull-up, did 26, do till ahnd pain.
ask wanlingjie, huiwenplasticfriend, yiminmonster to beat my hand.
thn sit and reach. 56 ? LOLS, thn went for standing broad.
LOLs, i wan retest. 163cm nia.
thn went back class, prepare for npcc campcraft test on lashing.
went down at 5, do.
all keep jiayou me. thanks, :D
thn finish around 6.
prepare thn went home with weixiang and aaron.
chase bus but nvr got on.
LOL, bus driver cock eye.
thn went 7-11, slack.
thn some talks. chit-chat.
thn went home, eat potato chips.
thn eat noodle, use com; transfer photots.
thn eat ice-cream, thn bathe, msn too. :D
replied tags :
JOEYT!: LOLS, sad for u lo.
SiEwPeNg: LOLs, u all wan go triple science, i cannot luh.
JASmine: Boys lo. hahahahaha :D
ilovegreentea. & strawberrymilk.
now think appletea quite nice. :D
8:16 pm
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
today, went school, go class, got lightning alert.
wa, shiok . haha. thn slack in class.
geog, return test. got 19/20.
among th 9 ppl who get higheat in 2A. haha
all cua tio man, when cher say my name. LOLS,
thn maths, more slacking, got do some example.
huiwen plasticfriend say me lagger. LOLS,
thn history, got listen leh, with joey girlf.
thn cher say i passed my test. WOW ! tyco de.
thn recess, went to eat. joey, yimin, qianyi & siewpeng was like drawing th doors of th hall.
cos is cold, thn tio scolded by mr koh.
thn qianyi name tio record.
wait-ed as they clean up.
went to eat, buy mango tea.
thn eng, some chatting. thn life edu.
test, was like cheating ? LOL, cheated during many test le.
thn IPW, maths instead. vanessa help me make a small hat.
LOL, must stable it on ur hair with clip.
thn sci, talking, folding paper hearts.
thn assembly, talk, talk, talk.
we won th international friendship day class board deco. :D
haha. thn went back, collect prize, pens.
siewpeng twinneh say quite cheap . LOL.
eat, bought greentea. thn took some photos.
were like putting greentea bottle, appletea bottle, mangotea bottle and lemontea bottle.
thanks denise jie for th lemontea bottle. :D
thn change to uniform cos got cca phototaking.
thn go for international friendship thingy.
thn go com lab, spam th good deeds thingy.
thn go fall in.
from 3.30 fall till 4.30. chat and joke and wait-ed till around 5 thn take.
stand between jaslyn and xuanle.
thn we make a lot of pose. LOL. thn wear npcc uni go for badminton phototaking.
LOLS, me and jason. very special. :D
thn went back class, change, mingyi and aaron tio rape respectively.
by yentzie, junhao, weixiang, edmund and ralph.
me, huiwen, yimin, joey and qianyi were on-lookers.
thn go cdac, plan to return comb to theresa, thn yimin suggest to put in siewpeng shoe.
PS THERESA, tmr give u money for th comb.
thn went home with yimin.
thn bring bro, went home, eat ice-cream. :)
haha. thn use com, watch tv, eat, bathe, sms. (summary) :D
haha. thn do maths homework . very guai hor ?
LOLs, bhb.
bro damn fan. LOL. tmr go napfa ! 5 stations. LOL. die le.
10:01 pm
Monday, 27 April 2009
LOLs, today damn tired de lor.
went school, had pe.
2.4km, fourth round leg pain, freak.
damn slow jog man. haha
15 plus sia, deprove.
thn history, was like day-dreaming.
test, flunk lo.
nvr learn at all, was like cheating throughout man.
haha. hope can pass. :)
thn it, was like talking.
cried, thn chat. hahaha.
thn recess, eat with siewpeng & huiwen.
thn went back class, change clothes.
thn english free period, do zuo ye and fold paper hearts.
thn chinese, xuan laoshi got a game.
LOLs, almost die.
thn lit, and science.
haha. thn school ends, some misunderstanding.
thn went cp eat. tio pangseh by huiwen, huiyi & joey.
thn meet at mac. eat, chat, went back school.
chat a while, bought appletea, went bball court with wanling & siewpeng
got liangliang, weixiang, junhao, yentzie, ralph, kailun, huanyan, hongjun, joash
thn tio pangseh by weixiang.
thn take 161 with liangliang, thn walk-ed back home.
thn use com, sms, thn eat, bathe.
just 1 hour ago spam plurk with joey.
gossip with siewpeng.
9:19 pm
Sunday, 26 April 2009
LOLS, today quite sian.
wake up thn use com. eat porrige.
thn answer calls, use com, went to room, talk, do homework.
mostly is huiwen did th talking, i was like doing homework.
thn mugg-ed.
but slept for like 3-4 hours ?
thn watch star search.
did english and chinese homework, bathe.
thn kope bro crackers. :D
thn now use com.
today, life was a bored !
damn bored. seriously.
haiz... tmr is school.
I WANT 2.4 !
LALA, tmr, hope i wouldn't cry againpass few days was like crying, hope tmr would be better.tags replied :
xinying: ok, link-ed
JOEYT!: yea ! of course . :D
iwantgreentea ! i also want strawberrymilk !
10:19 pm
Saturday, 25 April 2009
LALA, now watching channel 5 th show, called seed of Chucky.
got strong violence. haha
haha, anyway, today, went to meet with siewpeng at coffeeshop,
thn meet yimin, went class, do some class deco, talk with yt bout ytd cca,
went to maths olympiad with theresa, vanessa at 9.30
thn till 10 plus, going 11, went to cdac with yt, theresa and ralph.
thn at there, some quarrel,
after siewpeng and theresa tuition, more quarrel.
me and siewpeng cried.
thn went cp, more quarrel, thn went burger king with sp, theresa, yt and ralph.
thn eat, chit-chat, yentzie damn many rubbish can talk lo.
Damn funneh, me and theresa laugh till wan die.
thn more quarrle, thn pei theresa and ping home
thn with yt and ralph go hougang, thn go yt house
quite clean wat, use com, help ralph do blog, listen music, play cards
thn ask jh come up.
yt and jh went econ buy drinks, thn around 5 plus went down,
see them play soccer, LOLS, thn listen music.
thn went off with ralph, he play money, LOLs. damn funneh.
thn he ask me walk on my own.
LOL, almost go wrong place, thn bus-ed home.
saw chitchuan, thn went home-d.
thn use com, eat, msn, bathe, watch tv.
LOLS. haha.
anyway, thanks joey.
I know what u mean, u are daring but not brave.
anyway, congrats for th first step. :D
hope i could too . :D
anyway, i think they aa nia, no big harm to me. :)
anyway, just thanks.
and R :
i support u ! jiayou !
u will win. :D
how i wished, i could be like joey, have her, for her studies,huiwen, for her pro-ness.but i am me! i am prefect, and i am born in a way th god want me to.I will have confident in myself. :)but, i wouldn't tell u anything.tags replied:♥ ABIGAIL: LOLs, thanks, anyway, u should know smth. :D
YIMINN: yea !
JOEYT!: but at least u have more courage thn me. :)
MICHELLEEE{!}: okok, thanks
Nickky: LOLs, no. NOW ! kidding.
iloveyou !
uloveme !
we are happy family.
LOLS, ilovegreentea & strawberrymilk. :D
10:12 pm
Friday, 24 April 2009
LALA . today quite sian.
morning, leg cramp before going to school. walk till like i paika like tt.
cme, dont know wat to say.
he enter class waste 10 minutes to settle us down. :D
LOLs, me, qianyi, yimin, joey, siewpeng, huiwen was like not listening his lesson.
we were folding paper hearts. :) influence by me lo.
thn me and huiwen started creating something.
red is true love, yellow is shock, blue is sad, brown is confused, black is hatrated.
thn geog, cher give paper, from 2e. LOLS,
thn see video. after geog, surprisingly, th class was quiet.
thn eng, first 5 minute for liangliang, fold paper hearts.
taught miss joseph. :)
thn go through summary.
thn recess, eat noodle by cutting vanessa queue, ps. :P
thn went to help liangliang and joey borrow apron.
LOLs. thn chinese, xuan laoshi like giving us attitude ?
very kiam pa. haha, thn home econ.
practical. :) do with boonkit. cook spaghetti.
haha. thn wait-ed for awhile thn go back class.
eat spaghetti, thn change for npcc.
LOLS. haha, thn went for cca.
quite sian, learn lashing from afrah, thanks. :D
thn no promotion test. LOL. nxt wed. haha.
thn some dances and songs ?
LOLs, tio ask to sing "i ask my love" with JH ?
abby dont jealous, u should know why.
thn blend with sec 3 and 1. LOLS. some acting. very funneh.
thn fall in, ralph emo. CHEER UPs. thn dismiss, went back class, thn pei qianyi buy drinks.
thn with liangliang, yentzie, kailun and hongjun go stairs,
went up call JH, emu, wx and aaron. whereas qianyi use my hp.
thn went out, tio pangseh by weixiang and aaron. again. haiz
thn went home-d, LOL.
thn eat, use com, msn-ed with joey, bathe thn sms. LOLS
today at least better, nvr cried. but quite emo. LOLs. fold paper hearts will work.
tried it. :D
wonder how can i do to... joey so brave, if i could be like her... thats will be great.tags replied:
Liling: yup . but nid stay in hospital for 1 more week. :D
Lyon: thanks.
SiEwPeNg: thanks. :) 92
Vivian'♥: ok.
JOEYT!: :D must call me shifu. LOLs. i know luh, like i stupid like tt.
WANLING: yo jie. :D congrats for being a councillor. :)
ilovegreentea & strawberry milk. :D
8:38 pm
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Lmao, today somehow same as ytd, cried.
today, went school, plan to clip fringe, but nvr.
went toilet with joeygirlf, come back siewpingtwinneh wan us pei her go.
LOLS, went lo, thn pe.
was 2.4 at first, thn change to beeptest, 2.4 on monday ba.
was like scolding with ping for th pe as we were prepare for 2.4.
LOL. nvm, warmup first, cut through 2c.
LOL. thn beeptest.
reach lvl 6 stage 4 ?
LOL. was like th last 3 girls left running lo. improve le. :D
thn ping pro lo, lvl 8 stage 3. haha,
thn science, slack ? keep going in and out of class, so was not listening.
thn eng, comprehension.
thn recess, dont feel like eating, buy strawberry milk.
i started loving strawberry milk. :)
thn joey cried. CHEER UPS. :D i believe u.
thn chinese, doing compo.
everyone was like slacking at first thn in th end all chiong.
cos xuan laoshi say if nvr hand in on time will minus mark
LOLs. thn chiong. last minute hand in, xuan laoshi thn say is wouldn't minus mark.
LOL. -.-
thn sci. digestion and reflection. LOL. dont know will flunk or not.
thn lit. group presentation. LOL.
damn funny, chaoting, liangliang, mingyi, jackson, weixiang group very funneh.
all lot of comedy. hahahahh. all laugh till...
haha. thn yikming, eileen, boonkit, abigail, kahying.
haha. yikming very cool. haha.
thn maths. do pairs work. thn return test paper.
get 23/25. LOLS. thn some misunderstanding.
LOL. cried. thn girls and boys quarrel.
thn wait-ed for joey, huangyan, hongjun, kailun come find liangliang and chaoting.
thn joey came, she zi-high and paiseh too. :D thn went 7-11.
buy greentea and buy noodles. thn went back school.
huangyan, kailun, hongjun still there. LOLS.
thn eat a few mouth, no appetite, throw away noodles.
thn i very crude, scold vulgar.
LOL. still got a lot. those at class during tt period knows. :P
thn do deco. help. thn started to fold paper hearts.
thn siewpeng suddenly say want paper hearts.
so taught evan, weilin, joay and nickson. followed by ralph, jasmine and siewpeng.
haha. thn do almost 90 paper hearts. :)
haha. thn play cards with qianyilaopo, yiminmonster, christie and qianxin.
thn went home at around 6.30
thn buy food thn went home.
eat, talk, use com, bathe. haha.
found out tt our class for class test 3 and 4 th highest all cried lo.
except siewpeng.
this few days very emo. i think i ... nvm. should not let ppl know. :DCHEER ME UP , by giving me greentea.
8:29 pm
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
LOL. FUCKED-up today.
wake up thn go school, thn go art. thn go class take materials.
must simplified, mine damn easy. draw 2 rectangular thn a bit circle jiu can le
thn went back class, carried theresa, vanessa, evan, siewpeng, yimin things to class
like a movable maid. -.-
LOL. thn chinese, tio punished for compo.
dont give a damn. thn do journal.
haha. thn recess, eat, bring greentea up.
LOL. thn english. chiong greentea.
thn maths, ws singing behind class with yimin, qianyi, nickson, qianxin, siewpeng, wanling.
LOL. mini ktv. :D
haha. thn tio punish by cher, talking.
thn pc.
miss joseph not in good mood.
scold me again. fck la. LOL.
tio 3 chers scold in 1 day ?
thn junhao very wat.
fucker la.
thn emo through th whole pc.
cried ? LOL.
thn after school.
still emo, kailun return money. a bit blur.
LOL. ps. thanks ar. no mood uh.
thn went cp.
LOL. got my mood back.
but still emo luh. thn in class chat.
slack, play cards. thn went home with yimin, weixiang and aaron
thn reach home, bathe, eat, msn, blog.
haven do homework . NID CHIONG !
now a bit pissed.
anyway congrats chinese dance and co get silver for syf.
u all did ur best le. :D
must feel proud. :)
8:40 pm
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AHTZIE (yentzie) ! Dont be so CHILDISH anymore can ? LOL.
LOL. haven completed maths homework. And art !
LOLS. hahah. pathetic.
today, big rain in th morning. LOL . pathetic.
lucky dad got car, drove me, thn reach school walk around thn talk with jasmine outside class.
hahaha. thn went class. quite hyper. wish yt happy birthday.
thn yt and aaron ask miss chin why all science cher keep zaoxia-ing; thn miss chin say sexy ma !
LOLS. thn geog. test. OK luh. quite easy cos knew it beforehand.
thn maths lesson, do homework with wanling jie.
thn history. do workbook.
thn recess. almost tio pangseh. LOL .
thn give kailun $2. thn buy food, buy milk thn buy foolscape thn went back class.
eng, do news in class thn life edu, slack for th whole period.
play true or dare. thn IPW, cher use for maths, do with wanling jie.
thn science, copy notes. chitchat. had jokes inbetween.
thn assembly. ok luh. today quite sian.
thn go back class, no cca. :D thn help mr krishnan do tables for oral .
GOODLUCK boys. :)
thn me, siewpengtwinnie, yiminmonster, qianyilaopo, wanlingjie, huiwenplasticfriend went to monster house.
along th way, me and siewpengtwinnie say miss chin, sh finding ppl.
thn she go suan huiyi indirectly.
LOLs. thn go "fall-in" a while cos mr tong want talk with us, thn 20 min pass,
thn take bus, chase bus luh. LOL. a group of siaozabor.
thn talk in bus, thn went to eat at coffeeshop.
hahahaha. wanling dua pai lo.
haha. thn we went to iecon, buy drinks, went to yiminmonster house.
watch tv, play poker and chitchat.
haha. :) thn around 4.15, siewpengtwinnie & wanlingjie go off. LOLs. sad.
thn went playing cards.
LOLs, learn 2 new games, all thanks to huiwenplasticfriend. haha.
thn went down play badminton a while. :D
thn play till around 6.30 plus thn all g home, brought bro, meet with mom, went home
watch tv, sms, bathe thn eat.
thn i ask my bro help wash plate which he promised me during dinner.
thn he break th promise. thn i angry. scold vulgarities.
LOLS. FUCK, KNN, CB all come out from my mouth. :X
LOL. dont give a damn. thn use com and do homework and sms with siewpengtwinnie. haha
anyway, congrats to NCHS Chior for getting a GOLD ! :D
hope chinesedance & co can get a GH. (:
haha. :D anyway, happybirthday yentzie. :D
tags replied:
JOEYT!: Okok. anyway class almost those love to gossip one know liao ma. ok, i go edit till not so obvious. :D
Lyon: thanks. :)
♥ ABIGAIL: haha. :)
9:08 pm
Monday, 20 April 2009
LOL. dont feel like going school again ! LOLs. haha.
cos got geog test. LOLS. brain going to explode.
haha. todya school as per normal.
sit with plasticfriend. thn recess me, ping, minn, joey, huiwen was discussing wat names we called each other.
like i call huiwen plasticfriends, call yimin monster, call siewpeng twinnie.
but with joey dont know lo. haha.
thn after school got oral. LOLS. haha.
ps short post. cos nid go study geog. (:
GOODLUCK to 2A for geog test and ppl having oral tmr. :D
10:05 pm
Sunday, 19 April 2009
seriously, dont feel like going school. but nid help joey matchmake.
haiz. haha. her future is in my hands !! !!
LOL. haha. today quite sian luh. at home slack.
emo in th afternoon. LOL. for no reason.
thn go giant at somewhere around 5 plus.
thn eat and went shopping.
LOLS. nvr buy a lot things luh. no mood.
thn went home-d, bathe thn watch tv.
FUCK ! nvr bring lit textbook home lo.
how copy ? LOLs. tmr must act le leh !
LOLs. wish me good luck ba.
hahah !
JOEY ! enough le. haha. keep he so cute . LOL. tmr i go intro le. :D
8:58 pm
LOLS. ytd mvr post cos too tired. LOLs.
haha. okok.
ytd went school for geog lesson.
reach school cher say wat all parts of th school haven open.
thn boys to play bball, say wat dont want go geog.
thn i wait for huiwen, joey, siewpeng.
yimin pangseh me. LOLs.
thn we go up to th meeting room wait and wait.
and chat. thn me and joey pekchek say by 8.15 cher nvr come we go.
thn cher really come at 8.15.
wtf ! is th timing we can go off man.
thn i go take paper. 15 pieces. thn me, joey, siewpeng, yimin & huiwen zao.
haha. thn walk to bball court find boys.
thn go econ buy drinks. me and joey tabao.
thn come back.
we go try th jolly thingy drink.
thn taste like carsberg. yimin also say tt too.
thn i eat. LOLs. thn joey dont feel like eating so let siewpeng eat some.
siewpeng eat till got an ant? come and taste th chilli.
wtf ? look disgusting. me & yimin first to zao.
haha. thn around 9 go back for maths remedial.
me & ralph go there slack and do some maths olympiad hw.
thn around 9.45 go com lab.
wa. haha. theresa & vanessa 9.30 thn come too.
haha. thn lesson.
evan and yentzie come. LOLS.
thn sms and thn around 11 go cdac with ralph, yentzie & theresa.
thn ralph and yentzie go cp eat.
me, huiwen & yimin wait for siewpeng & theresa.
thn we chat luh. thn read comic.
LOLS. huiwen write her compo. sibei zai.
haha. thn i ask theresa to go cp. LOLS.
we keep at there arguing.
LOLS. in the end let her off.
if not she go complain to someone i die.
LOL . :D
thn me, siewpeng, yimin &huiwen go cp eat at mac.
thn wnt shopping ? walking to be exact
thn went to minitoons. me and ping was like damn happy to see so many bears.
we both also agree tt who buy us one sure be damn touched. LOLS.
haha. buy for ping 1 ferrari she sure marry u de. LOL.
thn went home-d with minn.
bath, use com a while thn meet clavell, yimin, michelle and jerron.
clavell and jerron wear same shirt just tt is of th opposite colour.
thn bus-ed to pasir ris.
wait for weijie.
LOLs. clavell see pole jiu do vertically pull-up
LOLs. act pro lo.
thn waited for 2 bus 3 before weijie reach.
LOLs. thn went to simei.
eat at eastpoint.
i chiong rootbeer lo.
thn went to changi hospital. went to ward 29.
saw nigel and his mom. nigel so skinny can.
was sick cos of virus. pathetic nigel.
29 kilo nia. skinnier thn weixiang
thn we walk to th lobby there. nigel become hyper.
we talk, chat, talk.
LOLs. jokes inbetween.
gossip too . LOLs. thn nigel father come. LOL.
thn we walk around. LOLS. jerron march till tong shou tong jiao.
LOL. noob. sms, chit chat and more chat.
thn went back to th ward cos nigel nid to have his dinner.
look at him eating. LOLs. he have so damn many stress.
thn went to th lounge to watch tv.
watch mimic. LOL. me, clavell & yimin was like scared ?
thn nigel want sleep.
so we went out. dont want to disturbe him
rest well and get well soon !
thn went to coffeeshop to eat.
to be exact is me, michelle & yimin watch clavell & jerron eating chickenrice.
LOLs. jokes in between.
me: wat is MPAW ?
jerron: michelle parents are
michelle: werid.
me, yimin, clavell, jerron & michelle was like laughing.
me: why must be michelle ?
jerron: thn my parents are wealthy !
clavell: my parents are short .
michelle: w luh. not s.
me: my parents are
jerron: wonderful.
michelle: my parents are wet !
me: my ______ are wet !
michelle: i dont know u(tiffany). LOLs.
haha. so damn funny.
thn another one.
michelle: why do boys eat till so damn clean ( cos clavell eat finish his plate)
me & yimin: dont know ?
thn jerron was bout to eat finish
me: eat cleaner.
yimin: spoon have some too.
jerron go lick it.
thn he put his plate aside
michelle: got 1 more rice here la.
jerron: dont want le la.
LOLS. so damn funny lo. thn we walk to park.
clavell saw more poles. LOLS. more pull-up.
thn me & michelle playing swings. yimin emo liao.
thn clavell say there got all 5 station. so jerron went and play.
LOLS. clavell damn agile lo. thn went home-d.
father drives us back.
in th van, yimin emo-ing; thn michelle a bit, jerron and clavell damn hyper.
they was like fighting ?
LOLS. thn reach punggol. all get off at th trafficlight.
LOL. byes !
thn went home-d. LOLs
eat dinner thn bathe.
thn want use com. but sibei lag.
so give up. went to sleep. :)
tags replied :
JOEYT!: LOLS. u very... i know uh. to u he th cutest luh. :D
10:29 am
Friday, 17 April 2009
LALA ! manage to snatch th com away from mom and bro.
LOLS. 12.30 go meet with weixiang
he late thn bus go off.
LOLS. thn nxt bus full. manage to squeeze in.
thn walk go school.
change. thn go 2a put bag
thn go d&t room watch video
thn reheresal. LOLs. quite good luh.
eat lunch and change to full uni thn 4 plus fall in.
real parade start.
haha. dont dare move. thn take photos after parade
change thn talk. rmb tt saw mr yeo ytd. he fa fu le. he say weixiang grow taller.
LOLS. thn after talk, go see boys play bball.
thn go back, thn go cp.
eat thn saw siewpeng, qianyi, yimin.
thn talk with yentzie, liangliang, chaoting
thn take bus with yimin, weixiang, aaron, liangliang;
while yentzie and chaoting wait for hongjun they all.
thn on bus saw kailun, huangyan, hongjun and joash walking. haha !
thn go home.
bathe, sms, watch tv.
Joey ! must introduce him to u earlier, if not u will keep saying he cute.
haha. no offence. only we 2 know. (:
tags replied:
JOEYT!: LOLs. his nickname ma.
YIMINN: lazy ma. LOLS. anyway quite fun leh detention.
Ur cousin: LOLs. why must come punggol plaza th lan ?
Vivien: ok. no problem.
Liling: nvm. :D i will.
10:16 pm
LOLs. sibeisong.
anyway no difference luh. wake up around th time i mostly wake when got school.
tio bro wake up luh.
say wat he already bathe thn ask me go.
LOLs. i no school today leh.
haha. thn bro today so enthu. 6.30 go school.
LOLs. school only below, cross a traffic light can le.
thn slack lo. thn wash up. thn dad help me do more polishing.
LOLs. thn go below coffeeshop to eat.
thn walk back. haha.
thn use com. hahaha.
now slacking. haha.
tags replied later.haha... ilovegreentea.
rmb our challenge
9:05 am
Thursday, 16 April 2009
YEA ! 100 post le. (:
song man !
LOLS. today almost late for school.
LOLS. miss 2 bus in a row.
zai bo ?
thn no pe at first. in th end got.
but a lot ppl nvr bring pe attire.
thn slack.
thn sci. cher say got 16 ppl no nid go remedial.
thn i was like me sure no nid go remedial.
thn theresa and huiwen was like bhb ?
thn i keep tiffany tiffany.
thn really, i no nid go remedial,
so do evan, huiwen, theresa, siewpeng.
thn was like damn happy ?
thn english, miss joseph collect homework, 6 ppl nvr hand in.
thn me, qianyi, christie tio detention for 2 hours.
thn had situational writing.
i was th first to complete ?
took 25 minutes instead of 40 minutes.
LOLs. seriously dont know how do lo.
thn recess. thn chinese. got th fu laoshi.
damn funny lo. do compo.
thn is bout if money could buy everything.
thn qianyi say money can buy sex but not love.
thn say till damn loud. thn th cher was like staring at her.
thn sci again. slacking.
2c ppl was like borrowing calculator.
first was chelster. we ask vanessa to lent, she paiseh.
thn yewhui come. thn he shout my name.
LOLs. cos my sci cher was their form cher.
LOLs. he call th time i was like slacking cos plasticfriend was drawing my hand.
MUHAHHA. thn he say lent him calculator. i lent lo.
thn he also say elvin wan borrow.
all shout say christie go lent. she paiseh.
in th end, i take huiwen one go lent, :D
thn lit. got group acting.
theresa and jasmine group. hahah.
me, qianyi, huiwen, yimin, siewpeng was like talking.
cher minus quite a lot points oin our group le.
thn maths. go 2c class take back calculator.
yewhui say easy. thn me, qianyi, mingyi, nickson, yimin, siewpeng, wanling change place
thn me and siewpeng was like cheating ?
haha. saw her question blank thn i do thn let her copy.
ps twinnie if some of th question i let u copy is wrong.
thn take back maths class test 3.
FREAK ! 15 nia. theresa full marks ?! pro lo !
i was like damn zi bei ? cos so many ppl win me including jackson.
quite a lot ppl fail. thn got few cry, many zibei ?
thn joash, huangyan, kailun, hongjun come find liangliang they all to play bball.
thn me,qianyi and christie go detention.
till 4. thn go off. thn me and qianyi go buy drinks thn go bball court.
thn see, talk, find siewpeng.
play, chat, jokes in th middle
a lot buy greentea and drink. tio me influence le. (:
only me, qianyi, siewpeng, yentzie, junhao, liangliang, chaoting, weixiang, kailun, huangyan, hongjun, joash know all things happen during bball court.
thn 6 plus go home.
reach home eat, bathe, talk on phone, use com, polish boots, sms, use com again.
thn qianyi call say ping th keys with her. LOLS. thn how ping enter her house de ?
LOLs. lala. tmr no school ! yea. school anniversary ma.
in parade. sian lo. ppl be audience, we march ?
FUCK ! LOL. so crude.
haha. maths test quite easy. haha.
ilvoegreentea !
greentea better thn appletea !
tags replied:
greeniieginny♥: nxt time go out to etp tgt. :D
Liling: i already post it. just scroll it down.
crystalang: oh. linked le.
Nickky: LOLs. freaking miss chin. why must choose this day. tmr see first.
9:11 pm
ok. reply liling.
we will meet a t2.35.
thn we will go off once everyone going arrived.
thn we will see.
thn we will see which route to take cos got 4 way.
1: we will take bus 3 to pasir ris thn take mrt to simei thn walk to th hospital
2: we take bus 3 to tampines thn take bus 38 to hospital.
3: we take bus 34 to tampines blk 205 thn take bus 38 to hospital.
4: we take mrt to simei thn walk to hospital.
so we shall decide when we meet.
can kindly tell me by tmr th latest ?
either through sms or tagbox. (:
8:19 pm
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
LOLs. Freaking happy now !
just ended a misunderstanding. :D
But mom scolding bro.
haha. LOLS.
still slack on bed. overslept.
thn go school by bus.
only wake to school. nvr walk to bus stop.
LOL. too lazy to.
thn reach school, art.
must draw. LOLS.
draw th board outside 2A. Love 2A too much.
LOLs. keep disiao theresa.
HAHA ! only those in my art group know.
thn chinese.
LOLS. xuan laoshi chiong lesson man.
first is xuan laoshi jiang ping, thn is news in class, thn is 6 ppl kou yu.
pro lo.
thn at her lesson do my hp.
yea ! my hp is back ! sibei song !
thn recess.
smuggle 1 bottle of greentea, 1 bottle of grape and 2 bottle of strawberry milk.
thn smth happen outside th class.
thought is miss joseph in class sia.
thn english.
learn oral and informal letter.
tmr test on informal letter. sure fail.
thn maths.
seriously slacking.
thn pc.
some oral example thn go off for lunch cos got th parade thingy.
thn change uniform.
go fall in. thn train.
so hot thn leg so pain. haiz...
thn train, scolding,train.
5 plus going 6 go home.
finally. haha talk in class a while thn go home.
thn reach home slack.
quarrel with bro. argue lo.
thn eat thn bathe.
thn sms, watch tv and use com. haha.
ilovegreentea verymuch !
tags replied :
MICHELLEEE{!}: LOLs. u very xin zai le huo lo. but my hp ok le. (:
9:00 pm
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Heys 6Grace' 07 ppl,for your info,nigel has been admitted to hospital cos of high we are planning to visit him.Venue: Changi hospitalLobby: bLevel: 9Ward: 29Bed: 31Date: Tis saturdayTime: 2.35 pm (clavell can only meet at this timing)Meet at : Traffic light outside edgefield who want to go visit him tell me through sms or msn or tagbox.thanks. (:by friday night will tell who is going.
9:03 pm
LOLS. Fck ! Today suay lo.hp drop into a bucket of using temp wake up but quite tiredcos ytd midnight hp drop off th bed.took quite long to retrieve backthn take bus.go school.slack.geog was like cheating with plasticfriend lo.thn maths.more slacking.thn history. damn slacking.thn recess.thn eng.miss joseph scolding.thn do informal letter.thn life ed.slack.ipw, slacksci, quiz...LOLS. flunk. i cheated lo. copy plasticfriend answer.thn with junjie and xuanle.thn go back class.thn eat thn buy green extra so give 2e ppl cos 2a ppl dont know go where.thn huangyan xiang wai.LOLS. dont anyhow say hor. huangyan !thn go pei qianyi find xuan laoshi.zai lo. qian ! pei fu.thn go cca.train train train.thn 5.30 go back class.walk to th playground outside cdac with minn,wx and aaron.thn ping sms.thn they finish tuition ask ping,theresa and kailun wan play.kailun say no jiu go home.theresa nvr si bei hyper !!haha.thn play catching thn blind mice.haha.thn catching again.thn around 6.30 go home.thn reach home eat,thn bathe.freak hp due to vibration, vibrate till drop off th toilet bowl th cover.thn drop into th bucket tt contain a few ml of hp thn spoilt.FUCK suay.iwantmyphone !anyway, today is benjamin birthday.happy birthday. (:tags replied : JOEYT!:
LOLs. i kua jiang u chio thn tio scolded. u good lo.
8:45 pm
Monday, 13 April 2009
LALA ! today is school !wake up late. cos nvr put alarm. pathetic.thn take 6.50 bus. with weixiang, liangliang & jackson.thn saw huiyi along th way.tio pangseh by weixiang and liangliang.thn pe. run thn gamesthn history.chiong chinese compo and tingxie.thn IT. LOLs.thn recess.nid bring duster but thn forgot.lucky minn and ping bring up.haha.thn go back class.change, talk ?and danston dont anyhow say hor ! huangyan is theresa de.LOLS. kidding.thn eng.thn chinese.go lab.ting xie first.many cheated sia. including me . (:thn use com.cher say cannot go other website.but like almost all go other website like blogs, facebook, etcthn go back for group presentation.thn sci.go lab. haha. play with !thn go back.nid copy 10 times of correction lo.for failing th science quiz.freak. copy till damn fck up lo.thn eat lunch.hongjun give me a dollar for th greentea.bought greentea thn go for english remedial.thn finish at 3pm.early 30 minhaha.thn go bball court.haha.junhao, joash, huangyan at there playing.thn me, liangliang, chaoting go.thn they playing match with 3g & 3h ppl.thn kailun and hongjun come.thn talk with szechi.thn they play thn rest.all sit down talk.thn go school for a while.come back th bags shifted.haha.but waterbottle tio pangseh.LOLs. they say kailun help ? LOLS. anyway thanks.but just find out tt my spect box tio crushthn my spect become wai.LOLS.thn they play 1 on 1.kailun with hongjun.5:4 ba.kailun win.thn liangliang with huangyan.liangliang lose ba.LOLs. he not on form.thn they play match.thn weixiang lo.thn play play play...some jokes in between.thn kailun go off.thn they play play play.see them till wan sleep.LOLS.thn chaoting nvr play, he rest.thn all play.muhaha.thn around 5.50 go back school.thn go home.tio pangseh by weixiang. fck, 2 times le.thn go bring bro thn go home.thn use com and sms and watch tv.haha.(:muhaha. my spect box tio squash.thn spect go wai.LOLS. father fix.haha.(:LOLs.tmr got npcc. want to pon man !LOLs.ilvoegreentea ! (:tags replied :JOEYT!:
LOLs. is so damn cool lo. and is jamby. haha.
LOLs. thanks.YIMINN:
LOLs. u be redtea za bor wan ?SiEwPeNg:
LOLs. why emu ? at least i say kailun is better thn ur emu right ?YIMINN:
LOLS. u and siewpeng take turns spam my tagbox ar ?SiEwPeNg:
Huangyan is confirm theresa de.JASmine: haha :D
thanks. urs also.
7:44 pm
Sunday, 12 April 2009
lala... today never drink greentea very weird lo.dont feel like doing homework.sian.things to do :-xuanxuan laoshi's compo-maths journal-2008 class test for maths-simultaneous equations-chapt 4 revision worksheet-ting xieth compo i qian xuan laoshi for 1 week le.still dont feel like doing. LOLsms yeo spam homework lo,pathetic.haha... now slacking.haha. stuck in th compo.every 5 to 10 minutes write 1 word.haha. thn go facebook-ing.haha.parents just come back from more freedom.LOLS.hahatoday whole day at home.except for breakfast which is outsidehaha.yea ! tmr's schooldont wan go man.but got 2 free greentea why dont go.wat a wastehaha ! sian...nth to post damn boring !Tags replied :XL: spammer la u. still spam some i dont even understand de.
ur cousin: LOLs. thanks.
jovi,: haha. thanks. :D
7:16 pm
Saturday, 11 April 2009
doing th post on joey blog.
Write the names of 21 friends you can think off the top of your head, and then answer the questions.Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them.After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same.
1. Theresa mama
2. Vanessa jie
3. SiewPeng chiobu
4. YiMin chiobu
5. Huiwen plasticfriend.
6. Joey th mojojo.
7. Qianyi laopo
8. Chiayin laopo
9. BoonKit
10. Abigail laopo
11. MichelleChan
12. Baozhen mei
13. Freddie
14. Patrick
15. Weixiang
16. Liangliang
17. YenTzie
18. JunHao
19. KaiLun
20. Huangyan
21. HongJun
those name written for girls is real but for boys is anyhow write de. not according and all is through GOD ! luck lo.
-How did you meet 7? [QianYi]
At nchs. :)
-What would you do if you have never met 15? [Weixiang]
I would have 1 ppl less to pei me take bus. :D
-What would you do if 20 and 1 dated? [Huangyan & Theresa]
I will buy theresa a present as i say. haha. ;D
-Have you ever seen 17 cry? [Yentzie]
No ba. but i have seen him gone crazy. LOL
-Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? [Yimin & Liangliang]
Er. dontknow. but all i know is tt yimin loves her dear !
-Do you want to be 13's friend forever? [Freddie]
Why not ? no harm duh .
-Do you think 11 is attractive? [MichelleChan]
Yup. Damn attractive.
-What’s 5’s favorite color? [Huiwen]
Er. shit ! i dontknow. LOL. Plastic colour ?
-When was the last time you talked to 9? [Boonkit]
Er. Last day of school before good friday.
-What language does 8 speak? [Chiayin]
English, Chinese ... Cat language.
-Who is 13 going out with? [Freddie]
Hmmm. Break liao lo. LOL.
-What grade is 16 in? [Liangliang]
Sec 2. But very old. haha.
-Would you ever date 17? [YenTzie]
Never in my life. he is my papa. (:
-Where does 18 live? [JunHao]
-What is the best thing about 4? [YiMin]
She's Chio !
-What would you like to tell 10 right now? [Abigail]
Stay long with JH !
-What is the best thing about 20? [Huangyan]
Nothing . haha.
-Have you ever kissed 2? [Vanessa]
No. but she tries to kiss me once.
-What’s the best memory you have of 5? [Huiwen]
Violent. Haha. plasticfriend
-When’s the next time you’re going to see 4? [Yimin]
School on monday.
-How is 7 different from 6? [QianYi & Joey]
Hmmm. Size ? Characteristic ? Qian Yi damn zai !
-Is 2 pretty? [Vanessa]
Duh. She have a great figure.
-What was your first impression of 15? [Weixiang]
Short ! Handsome ? LOL. No offence.
-How did you meet 3? [Siewpeng]
School, nchs.
-Is 15 your best friend? [Weixiang]
Hmmm. Kinda .
-Do you hate 12? [BaoZhen]
Nope. Never !
-Have you seen 18 in the last month? [Junhao]
Yes, School duh.
-When was the last time you saw 16? [Liangliang]
Thursday in bus 161 after playing bball.
-Have you been to 5’s house? [Huiwen]
Yes, for project. Her house damn big and empty.
-When’s the next time you’ll see 10? [Abigail]
Monday Morning.
-Are you close to 11? [MichelleChan]
Quite, we are neighbour cum friends.
-Have you been to the movies with 4? [Yimin]
ytd just went to watch th unborn :D
-Have you gotten in trouble with 8? [Chiayin]
-Would you give 19 a hug? [Kailun]
He ta bor leh. Wat do u think ? ==
-When have you lied to 3? [Siewpeng]
Er. No collection.
-Is 11 good at socializing? [MichelleChan]
Somehow ?
-Do you know a secret about 8? [Chiayin]
Yes !
-Describe the relationship between 12 and 18. [BaoZhen & JunHao]
Stranger? They dont even know each other.
-What’s the best thing about your friendship with 9? [Boonkit]
She help me in maths and telling me what homework i have. :)
-What’s the worst thing about 6? [Joey]
Hmmm. Too despo. kidding.
-Have you ever had a crush on 12? [BaoZhen]
I not les la.
-How long have you known 2? [Vanessa]
1 year plus.
-Have you ever been in a fight with 13? [Freddie]
Yes. Some misunderstanding.
-Does 11 have a bf/gf? [MichelleChan]
No ba.
-Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face? [Theresa]
Yes, for being to bhb.
-Has 21 met your mother? [HongJun]
-How did you meet 11? [MichelleChan]
Forget le.
-Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? [Siewpeng]
Yup, we damn violent and she is crude.
-Do you live close to 7? [QianYi]
She lives in hougang, i punggol.
-What is 8’s favorite food? [Chiayin]
No idea.
-What kind of car does 1 have? [Theresa]
Toycar ?
-Have you traveled anywhere with 9? [BoonKit]
To bus stop and her house.
-If you gave 14 $100, what would they spend it on? [Patrick]
Er. No idea. Wait till this day come.
Yea ! end le. LOL.
lazy to tag like joey.
those name written from 1 to 21 if u wan can try it out. (:
today wake up with 2 weird dreams.
thn prepare jiu go school.
thn watch bball boys training thn go maths olympiad.
thn finish go CDAC.
but before tt go buy GREENTEA !
thn till 12 thn go cp
when shopping with theresa and yentzie
thn around 1 plus went home.
thn play com,watch tv, eat
thn slack, sms, and fighting with bro.
thn drink greentea tt was brought by my mom.
i bet i will drink it all !
thn use com.
now watching tv.
my bro very fan !
nehneh la him !
GREENTEA rocks !tags replied !baozhenツ:
thanks. :DMICHELLEEE{!}:
next time go out thn go cam-whore-ing.JOEYT!:
haha. make sure u rmb nxt time. :)
4:19 pm
Friday, 10 April 2009
LOL. just come back from si bei song !wake up.use com.prepare thn meet with minn.thn go hm find ping,,joey,plastic friend and qian yi.thn go plaza.thn want watch slot. so walk to the cathaythn buy movie for the unborn.hall 5, row b, seat 11-16, 3.25 timing slot.thn walk back to 2 bottle of greentea.LOLs.spamming.thn slack at mac.saw zhanchun and scott.thn walk back to cathay.under th rain.thn slack, gossip thn go the hallLOLs.the sitting arrangement is hw,ym,sp,joey,qy and methn start.quite scary.pian sms pian tell qian yi wat happening in th movie.LOLs.quite a lot scary parts la.but $10 is worth it. haha.thn go back pasta.thn take mrt home.gossip.haha.gossip all th way homereach home found out no ppl lo.sian...haha.gastric..pathetic !anyway.greentea nice to drink !
7:36 pm
Thursday, 9 April 2009
LALA ! holiday le !, wake up late.pathetic.6.15 thn wake up.chiong everything.but lucky never miss bus.haha.thn raining.LOLs.walk under th rain.haha.reach school sock and shoe wet.thn chiong homework thn sneezehaha. flu le.thn no bei song !thn sci.miss chin keep zao xia...haha.thn eng.recess.chinese.ting xie thn kou yu thn others.thn sci again.keep zao xia lo. hahathn lit.cher late come class.thn we test.any-o-how do.haha.thn maths.cher spam homework.but chiong homework.haha.thn end greentea !haha.thn no eng remedial. ==thn go opera.LOLs.replace iced water as greentea.haha.thn finish opera go find liang liang they bball.i never play huang yan and hong jun.snatch my hp thn zao.freak them lo.thn jiu ren ming.thn they sent msg. till 6 plus go back with weixiang.thn go home.thn eat,bathe and keep nagging bout sms-ing.LOLs.MUHAHA !tmr going out !YES !good friday really very good.hong jun ask why no good monday or even good year .LOLs.haha.ilovegreentea !hong jun and huang yan owe me 1 bottle of greentea. (:iwantgreentea !Tags replied !ur cousin:
LOLs. (: true wat. he is a gay since pri sch. LOL no offence.
9:02 pm
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Happy brithday ABIGAIL !LALA.happy birthday to you !happy birthday to you !happy birthday to Abby !happy birthday to you !LALA.happy birthday.wish u happiness with JH ! (:
10:12 pm
LOLs. maths paper haven return.but cher say fail jiu go remedial.bout half go lohaha.heng i pass. (:LALA.maths hw sucks.LOLs.tmr got ting xie. pathetic.
never learn yet.haha. still got shi yong wen.haiz. tmr got english remedial.pathetic.Tired. wan sleep.tags replied !DANSTON:
LOLs ! Link me leh.JOEYT!:
Nehneh ! (:
9:17 pm
Monday, 6 April 2009 to post th com in my parent channel 5 very final destination 3.wa. kao man.a lot of violence go out luh.wake up thn watch tv.thn 2 plus go to luh. freddie. i dont mean not to go etp with u all.just tt i got family dont angry luh.i still owe u present leh.LOL.thn go till 8 plus.thn chiong hw.LOL.thn eat final destination 3 damn scary .is pg man.thn got strong violence ??LOL.smth like tt luh.chinese ting xie haven learn.patheticmuhaha.tmr got school.haiz.better go sleep now.later tmr cannot wait up.haha.elmo rocks !路遥知马力, 日久见人心 !
TIFFany ! ♥
tags replied !JOEYT!:
LOL. is secret. a promise ! (:rubecca:
路遥知马力, 日久见人心. tis one most nice luh. u should know wat i mean. hahaHuiyi:
LOL. thanks. (:-szechi.:
LOL. hi ! ;D
12:03 am
Saturday, 4 April 2009
LOL.tired of th typing.haha.
i now a bit happy. (:
for those who know. (:
tired.anyway suddenly love tis ming ju.金玉其外, 败絮其中 .for no reason. (:hahah.those who know glad for u.and tis one too.路遥知马力, 日久见人心 !
10:10 pm
Edited .LOL. Just finish doing th chinese challenge.
got a question is ask bout 四美.
i stay there when i young leh.
how can i dont know.
all parts of simei got a block sure got th picture of 1 of th 四位美女.
asking rubbish. LOLs.
a lot ask mom th.
ask bout stock.
u think i pro in stock meh ?
thn got ask bout th english idioms change to chinses.
my english sucks man !
dont care luh.
i give xuan laoshi face.
so go do.
rubbish.anyway. ytd and plastic friend (huiwen) never go schoolsick.thn cme joey sit with tong lesson no one listening to him lo.thn geog. copy notes.thn eng.joey got to move back thn tio punishfor not completing th outline.LOLs.sit outside classroom do lo.qian xin was like crying.pathetic.haha.thn recess. thn chineseactually got ting xie.but wei xiang kou yu and joey too.joey save us ! iloveyou man.thn home econ.chiong 4 topic in less thn 3 lesson onwards is practical le.haha. hong jun better return my apron.haha. kidding.thn go eat thn quite slack.most of th time for drills is use up in ckecking of uniform and breaks (:thn is potluck.LOL. pizza.thn go home !tio pang seh by wx and aaron.thn on bus saw chitchuan.thn go home.bathe and today got parade. but go for 30 min jiu go maths olympiad.haha.thn maths finish np finish.thn go cdac.thn go cp.haha,theresa late for tuition for like 1 hour chinese challenge.damn difficult.
2:49 pm
Thursday, 2 April 2009
金玉其外, 败絮其中路遥知马力, 日久见人心.LOLs.tio xuan lao shi influence.hoho.everyday enter class jiu dont feel like doing homework.LOL.chinese okok la. just take got maths test.FLUNK ! sure FAIL one.anyhow do.haiz.pathetic !if never flunk jiu weird lo.haha.sad !dont do chinese compo.金玉其外, 败絮其中
路遥知马力, 日久见人心. !
9:00 pm