Sunday, 27 December 2009
Happy birthday KAILUN and LOUIS :)
LOLOL, i wanted to post looooooooongloooooooooooong time ago.
But my stupid bro lost his phone and my mom make me go and find it.
But intheend, found NTH ! Hell ~!!!
somemore i fb, msn, sms, twitter etc, till i midnight thn post. ._.
LOLOL, nvmnvm i wouldn't angry,
cos i have a superawesomeHIGHEQbrain. :X
Today (or maybe ytd ?), woke at 7am. Sia, i late lor. OMFGOJFIIOHVONVLW ! LOLOL. I am late sia, was supposed to meet jaslin they all @ cp @ 7.30. [LOL, i getting too lazy liao, tht why replace 'at' with @ xD] LOOL, chiong everything and managed to rach cp @ 7.35. Wonderful ! LOLOL, walk to sch with audrey, alicia, jaslin and xinyi, Didn't know tht xinyi took th same lrt and mrt with me. LOL, i lagger. xP Thn reach sch, sit awhile and talktalk. LOL, thn fall in on time. Waited, thn mdm joyce tan come. LOL, chat etc. Kangwei and melvin are so damn funny, make me and chiawee laugh like ... Thn mdm take keys and bring logistic out. LOL, went field. ): Boo, field means nid peg, somemore th field wet wet de. LOL, but heng i not pegger. Thn did, LOL, cmi sia. nvr hit target at all. :(((((((( BOOOOO, rawr ! Thn high thn low thn high. But mostly i am high. [Cos i have a superawesomeHIGHNESSbrain.] Siao liao me. Thn all go crazy ? LOL, around 11 plus end cct. Went cp with alicia and jaslin. OMG !! My dolphin which is suppose to be on my bag went missing. DDDDDDDDDDDD: sad sia. My darlingggggg ~~ LOLOL, ate kfc. Jaslin and alicia buy black pepper chicken. LOLOL, and jaslin can't eat finish, LOL, slack @ there. Thn jaslin suggested to play true or dare. Hehehehehe, she told us her biggest secret sia jaslin. xD LOLOL,
IT IS A SECRET ! Thn went to hm. LOLOL, walk around. Went chameleon and popular. Thn went to continue our true and dare @ library. Cool, we play true throughout. Read comics. LOL, talktalk. H2H ba. Thn took mrt and lrt to rm. Saw wanling @ hougang station. Thn went to rm (rivervale mall). LOLOL, went fairprice, share kinder beuno white with jaslin. Nice ! :)))))))) LOL, went to daiso, LOL, seesee looklook hearhear. LOL, slacking ? Thn walk to alicia house there thn went home. Reach home slack ba. LOL, use com, bathe etc. Thn my bro realised tht his phone went missing. OMGCTBIEWBICBIUEBUIBCW, he lost it. Nice one, keep calling his phone. Nvr off and it is ringing, but no one answer. LOL, since i have unlimited sms and i have a superawesomeCLEVERbrain, i spam msg to my bro. xD Hope someone saw it and give me a call. :D Maybe santa would be kind enough to grant this wish though it is alr 27dec. xP Jesus bless me thn. Or maybe bless my brother. Thn msn, sms, fb, twitter, blog etc. LOL.
Nicenice. I actually want post before 27/12 de.
But so sad, i posted on 27/12.
same day birthday sia.
Dont claim present from me. :D:D:D
Clever me state tht no present will be given here alr.
Hehehe, all thanks to my superawesomeCLEVERbrain.
LOL, i crazy alr. Tio wanling influence.
Cos she say i have a :
superawesomeRUBBISHEXCUSES/JOKESbrain [i suggested and she agree with it]
superawesomeRANDOMbrain !
Keep superawesome______brain. LOL th '___' is any noun also can and must be in CAPS !
Must be compliment de thn i can accept. :D
okayokay, th superawesomeGOODbrain ask me to wish th birthday uncles again.
So yup and would be their present.
third time alr, ur present ba. :Diloveyou.
and 8 more days to schooling. D:
1:20 am
Thursday, 24 December 2009

Woohoo. LOL, now start countdown ba.Now left 1 more hour till 25/12.
Wow, cool. LOLOL, continue watching my 终极一家.HOHOHOHOHO ~Can't wait for Christmas ley. Woo, 50 more minutes !Exciting ~Heheheheh. :DLOL, so looooooooooong sia th time, Now just past by 5 minutes nia.and th time now is 11.16 pm.
Wonderful !LOLOL. now is 11.30. 30 more minutes ! :)Just finish writing th arrival/departure card sia.Going malaysia tmr. :]Now is 11.44 pm.Nice timing. LOLOLOL. yeah, 11.45 pm le. 15 more minutes !LOLOL. 11.50 alr.10 more minutes ! Woohoo ~ I'm loving it !.So exitced !Whahahah. 9 more minutes. Interesting. I think i am lame sia. :P8 more minutes ! Wow, fast. x]HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH ~7 more minutes ! CoolCool. Jingle bells jingle bells ~6 more minutes ! Yeahyeahyeah ~Woo woo ~ ILOVINGIT/5 more minutes ~ OMG, i am countdown-ing. 4 more minutes. I am countdown-ing on twitter too.3 more minutes ~ Cool !On facebook also.2 more minutes. Siao liao me.Siao keng. 1 more minute le.Omg, so busy.On twitter, facebook and blogger.
Christmas ~YEAH, everyone !
Wonderful ~
My facebook, twitter and msn all got merry christmas liao.
HAhAH, and i sent out msg too. LOL.
and i went around telling ppl merry christmas on msn. LOL,
those tht were online. LOLOL,
and tht's how i got spam on msn, sms, fb, twitter sia.
and i went around liking those who write Merry christmas on fb. :D
I have nth to do sia. HOHOOHOOH.
BUT, Christmas means 10 more days to schooling. AHHHHHHHHHHHH ~ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !anyway, tht is a fact. Put tht aside first.
MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLES ! it's true bout th countdown i did on this post. :)
LOLOL, many sent 'Merry christmas' by smsing sia.
Like Liangliang, huiwen, maisie, joey, wanling, liling, michelle.t, yewhui, baozhen, michelle.c, evangeline, hongjun, angeline, eileen, huangyan, jasmine, muihwee, rajmal, shirley. [according to time]
ps cos i forget msn who msn me alr, so yup, only sms. LOL, i sent to like 51 ppl ? WOW ~
and chiawee reply me tht he want to sleep. -.-
LOL, so boring sia him.
OHNO, i so high now. LOLOL, high-ness. :D
Woohoo. LOL. Christmas sia. LOLOL,
Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way ~~
Heheheheheh. okayokay, i am still crazy over Christmas.
i bet i will become low aft christmas which is aft 23.59. :(
Woke at 9 plus or 10 plus. I forget. xD HAHAHA, slack awhile. I lai chuang. Thn dad use com see some videos on robbery. LOL, one video damn nice sia. Cool xD Inthend th baddies got caught and were injured. LOL, bathe and wore dress. OMG ?! Unbelievable. LOL, thn went off to Orchard. Did not go malaysia cos traffic jam ? Thn my uncle can't come in to Singapore. So maybe tmr go. LOLOL, went
Wisma Atria first. LOL, ate at Food republic. Nice luh. Alot ppl keep asking " 有没有人坐 ?" And i always replied "有/have" LOL, ate thn went to walkwalk. Hahaha, mom went to espirit buy jeans and shirt. LOL, she damn cheapo i can say. LOLOL, and she got membership card liao. -.- cos got 10% sia if got th card. ._. Thn walk to taktashimaya shopping center. Thn walkwalk. Took photos. LOL, thn went to 313 @ somerset. So damn cool. New shopping mall, thn all th shops are like so damn big ?! LOL, cool. Th cotton on is damn big i can say. LOL. Got apple mac shop/ Thn went to orchard central. Got istudio. LOL, so many apple mac shop. LOL, thn went further in th mall got a tall tall tall christmas tree. Thn took photos. Even took with the santa claus. Hohoho. So cute sia. Thn walkwalk. Went to Centrepoint and ate ToastBox. Yummy, ^^ thn walkwalk, walk to douby. Mom buy new phone. Samsung Star sia, $299 ley without line. Thn take mrt back to cp. Went popular and bought books. LOL. Went to pay at th cashier and shunbian renewed my pop card. LOL, thn found out tht th ppl gave me wrong chinese textbook and workbook. I study HCL but they gave me CL. LOL, th ppl help me change. Thn i want HCl 3b workbook but they gave me textbook. -.- 2 times sia th error. LOL, thn th person dk why gave us 6 rolls of book covers. LOL, cos th person say over $200 jiu got 3 rolls first. But cos th HCl book aft tht thn counted so like got 6 ? LOL. thn went to kfc and ate dinner. Thn went timezone find bro but just can't. Finally found him. LOL, thn went home. HAHAHAHAH, got ppl sing christmas carol. LOL, thn reach home. LOL, use com thn bathe. LOL, watch th polar express on okto. :X Still trying to be young. Thn use com, LOLOL. Fb-ing, twittering, blogging, bloghopping, msn-ing, smsing. LOLOL, marvellous.
LOL, unbelievable.
Now is 1.31 am.
And i have cca tmr @ 8am. OMG.
LOLOL, i suppose i nid to sleep now.
Cos tmr meeting jaslin, alicia, audrey and rachel (? idk sia) @ cp @ 7.30.
LOL, set alarm @ 6.30,
but i am sure i will overslept,
either i snooze it all th way to 6.45
or i nvr hear th alarm and autowake @ 6.45.
LOL, just know tht i will be late if i didn't sleep now. SO,
will update th photos someday, maybe tmr ? if i am free. xD
10:53 pm

LOLOL, i wanna countdown to christmas.
So later i will blog again while countdown-ing. :D
Hohohoho. xD
today just rotting at home.
Dad went home early cos he nid go for patrolling in plain clothes at Orchard at night.
LOLs, he bring many many chocolates tht his friends gave him for christmas.
Hahahahahah, so many so many. :(
I want all, but my dad say nid share. D:
so i divided equally among me and my bro. ._.
LOLOL, dad at first say want order pizza aft he woke,
but inthend he say tmr.
Told mom to order instead and she say tmr again. -.-
So ended up going downstairs and buy spring chicken. LOL.
鸡. LOLOL. :DLOL, whole day use com watch 终极一家, x-family.
Nice ley. HOHOHOHO. :D
LOL, can't wait for CHRISTMAS ! ~
HOHOHO, okay some random photos. :D
Chocolates tht my dad received.

Good for him, but we eat it. :D LALALAL ~
Hehehe,2 hours and 32 minutes to CHRISTMAS !
8:00 pm
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Fun !
hais, LOL.
dont care alr. o.o
Monday had 6grace'07 outing.
ytd went to rebond my hair.
today went out with jaslin and alicia.
Woohoo ~
MONDAY :LOL, woke up quite early, around 9 plus ? :O prepare thn went to ahma house. LOL, sleepy sia. Reach simei, LOL, went up. Talktalk, taught kimberly maths. :P Ate u-mian cook by ahma. Damn nice sia, can go open a stall liao. :D Thn ate breakfast or maybe lunch (?) jiu went out and meet liliang and th rest. Was late as we were suppose to meet at 1pm at ehub but i reach at going 2pm ? Ps ar, LOL. Meet liling, jieling, diane, bleston, junjie, weixiang, jerron. Waited for nickson and weijie. LOL, weijie so damn funny can. He was like " hello, oi oi oi " to th phone cos jerron call him, but he nvr know tht we at his left side nia. Hahahaha, was like so damn funny can, somemore liling call out his and nickson name, and nickson know we at there le. But weijie just say tht. LOL, funny ttm. LOL, thn we girls went toilet, while th boys went mac. Liling almost lost her ez-link card as she drop it in th toilet. Call th boys thn went to look at th map for our bbq pit before finding them. Thn slack at there. Th boys were like a market okay. Thn me, liling, jieling and diane were like waiting for them. Lalalalal ~ Thn went to wait for jeremy th king ? LOL, liling was like at there acting some tour guide which tell th tourist : 'Welcome to ehub ! ' HAHAHA, funny. xD Thn jerron and weixiang went to find jeremy, LOL, jeremy arrived and we went fairprice to buy those stuffs. LOL. Cool ley, we bought so many bottles of drinks but veh little food. XD hahahah, thn we bring everything to th bbq pit. LOLOL, slackslack, some boys went walkwalk, some went to play soccer. Diane and jieling went walkwalk also. Me, liling, junjie, nickson and weijie play cards. xD thn playplayplay. Junjie taught nickson how to play taiti (?). o.o thn playplay, soon, more ppl come. xD Yeah, chitchat and play poker with bleston, junjie, jeremy. LOL, cos big wind, i use my phone to press th card, thn i say who win can get my phone. Thn jeremy just pick up my phone and plan to put in his pocket cos he say he knew he will win de. -.- Thn start fire, but bigbig wind. :( thn make fire. LOLOL, fire finally start alr. :) Thn went to prepare etc. I in-charge of bbq-ing, aprilia is th one putting th butter on th food etc, thn jerron cook th satay. LOLOL, cool sia. Th smoke make me till my eyes red red like crying liddat. LOL, th boys keep saying i cry. -.- xD Thn stop cos th fire going out le. LOL, thn rest. Play poker with bleston, jeremy, michelle, vivian and junjie. Walao, bleston, jeremy and junjie gang me. :[ bully me sia. Thn ate one chicken wing and many mashmallow. xD Thn continue help bbq th satay, LOL. Ate 2 sticks nia. Thn liling, jieling, crystal.a, crystal.t, diane went off. LOL, thn we started packing up. :) Thn me, michelle, vivian, aprilia, jeremy, junjie, bleston, jerron, weixiang, nickson, weijie were talking bout th past of 6grace. HAHAHAHHA, cool ! :D alot memories went back, xD thn pack up and went to ehub. LOL, saw liling and th rest. HAHAH, so qiao. Thn we decide where to have our dinner cum supper, LOLOL, decided to went back prime to eat. At bus stop saw liling they all again. :D thn board bus 3. Sat with junjie, vivian, michelle, jerron. Nickson and weijie sat in front of us. Bleston and jeremy sat at th most front. xD Thn talktalktalk. Funny, sms also. :] Thn was raining heavily at punggol. Or maybe not ? LOL, drop off at prime thn went to th kopitiam beside prime with michelle, vivian, aprilia, junjie, bleston, jeremy and weijie. AHHAHA, boys sit one row girls another row. LOL, damn funny. I sit opposite junjie cos we both only buy drinks but nvr eat. Thn michelle sit opposite bleston cos they veh close since young. Vivian opposite weijie cos they stay on th same block. Aprilia opposite jeremy cos both are ang mo (cos their eng is btr thn chi). LOLOL, talktalk, thn all go home. Damn scary ley, veh dark. Thn alot weird noise. :( LOOL, reach home, sms, watch tv, eat supper. Slept at 1am plusplus.
TUESDAY :Wake up at 11 plus. OMG, so late and my mom nvr pester me to wake up sia, Cos she 10 plus thn wake also. xD Thn eat asam laksa, thn prepare before going to hougang some place. LOL, idk where is it. Took 83 and change to 88. LOL, my mom took away my $50. :( LOL, went to a salon called hair hub, LOL. Went there alot of times le. Th hairdresser damn cool can. LOL, thn rebond my hair while mom colour her hair. :) Cool, was boring de lor. Ps jaslin can't go www cos my hair. :D Thn sms also. LOL, finally, aft dk how many hours, my hair done le. LOL, not used to it. Went home etc etc. Daily stuff.
WEDNESDAY :LOL, woke at 10am when i suppose to meet jaslin and alicia at 11am. Nice one, faster do things etc. LOL, went out and took bus. Reach there just on time again. :D Waited for jaslin at cp. LOL, alicia was in th mrt station while i was outside. HOHOHO, thn went in. Took mrt to hougang mall. Jaslin redraw her money and we ate nasi lemak at qiji. LOL, miracle. -.- Thn went to plaza sing. Mrt-ed there. Took photos. LOLOL, went to play acarde, i spent $7 plus sia. :[ Thn went to the cathay buy movie tickets. Avatar, 1.50pm, hall 2. H2 -4. LOL, bought nacho combo. Thn went in and watch, MUHAHAHAHAH, was so damn nice i tell u. LOLOL, amazing sia. Some touching parts, was veh touched and tears were bout to roll down but tht jaslin keep doing some weird weird stuffs. Me and alicia ask and reply jaslin th same things sia. :D Great minds think alike. :P Thn finally ended, went to take mrt to vivo, saw muihwee and siti. OMG ?!?! Thn mrt to vivo. LOL, took more photos. Jaslin slippers suddenly spoil ? Went to vivomart to find a pair of cheap slippers for her. LOL, but slack there. Inthend i went to ask a stall ppl to give me rubber bands and jaslin slippers settle alr. Went minitoons buy sweets and went diaso with timezone. LOL, thn went home cos we all cannot so late reach home. Thn want take mrt. But so many ppl sia. We ended up queuing up sia. -.- Jaslin th slowest. :P On mrt took more photo ? We gave up our seats to 2 pregnant women which came from different stations continuous. LOL, and we saw another kind soul giving up to another pregnant woman. Woah, so many women pregnant sia. xP LOL, went sengkang thn took bus 83. LOL, bus 83 was like damn long okay. LOLOL, thn bus-ed back and reach home. Ate dinner and use com. LOL, upload photos on fb. LOL, msn with aaron and yentzie. Sentout chain msg, LOL, those iloveyou or smile thingy. HAHAHHA, lame. Cos i unlimited de mah, :D
AND AVATAR IS A NICE MOVIE ! xDLOLOL, okayokay, i type veh long i can say.
Now alr 24/12/09 liao ley, Time : 2.15 am.
Nice one, and told u all alr :
YENTZIE ALSO GOODY GUY LUH. :D Scared later yt jealous. Opps. Kidding,
HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE !some pictures taken today.
Th rest are on fb. :D

LOL, jaslin suggested it de. xD

Me and jaslin in hm toilet. LOLOL.

Movie ticket ! AVATAR !!!

So cute right ? Cow so cute but it look like a pig. xD LOLOL. Minitoon de. :D

LOL, th girl behind which 'ran off' is veh cute okay. :D
LOLOL, nights everyone thn. I want countdown for tmr !
20 hours till CHRISTMAS !
10:26 pm
Monday, 21 December 2009
6Grace'07 gathering tmr.
LOL, as i have nth to post cos my day today is boring.
Due to th evil flu. >:[
ate medicine and slept during afternoon and woke,
but th flu just wouldn't go off. :(
But it went away at around 9 ? amazing !
LOL, flu attack sia/D:
who cares. LOLOL.
and th
kind me, just finish helping
Help him put th songs he wanted on his blog.
total 5 songs sia. LOLOL, free service hor. >:/
songs: bad romance by lady gaga, whatcha say by jason derulo, tick tock by kesha, one time and one less lonely girl by justin bieber.
HOHOHOHO, see me so kind sia.
and he call me th EQ QUEEN !?!?
LOOL, weird sia. xP
but, th clever me, is going to claim my present from him,
when sch reopen. HAHAHA,
going to claim 2 presents, one for helping him and another for my birthday.
although i owe him 2 cup walker and 2 meal. D:
and it alr monday. and it is going to be 1am. and it is 6Grace'07 gathering today.and it is a bbq gathering.and it is going to start at 1pm when i meet th peepos.and it means i only have around 12 hours to prepare. and it have to minus off 10 hours for my sleep.and it have to deduct 30 minutes for th bus ride.and it means i only have 1 hour and 30 minutes left. and it means, i have to end here.and it mean i want to sleep.and it is therefore, goodnight everyone. :]
\colourful sia/ :D
and crap i can say.
some are not true, some are not fake.
i am really having 6Grace outing,
i am really going to meet them at 1pm.
i am really going to take th bus for 30 minutes.
i am really have to end here.
i am really wanting to sleep.
BUT ... !
i am not only going for th outing;
as i have to pei my mom to dentist.
i am not planning to sleep for 10 hours;
as i can't go to th dentist and sleep within 12 hours.
i am not planning to sleep now;
as i am still awake.
i am not going to say goodnight to you;
just kidding.
okay, all this are crap.
these are just making my post
loooooooooooooooong only.
pardon me if u get pissed by looking at those
colourful and wonderful craps.
12:45 am
Saturday, 19 December 2009
LOL, today is really slack ?
cos i didn't get sunburn again. xP
Today, woke. As usual, 6.45 wake, prepare, slack, went back to rest for awhile. LOL, thn dad drove me. :D Went to ACC and buy mac, LOL, through th drive in thingy. xD Buy sausage muffin meal with another hashbrown. LOL, ate half of th muffin thn give dad. Thn dad drove me to sch while i eat my hashbrown. :] LOL, thn reach sch before i eat finish sia. Zz, walk to canteen while eating and drinking. xP Thn went to fall in, LOL, TzeEe and muihwee not in good mood i suppose, LOL. Thn fall in etc, did as per normal. LOL, we do 3 times nia thn smth happen. LOL, we have a break thn we were suppose to discuss. We did discuss, thn fall in. Thn sir ask us to tell him wat we discuss, we girls got say, but apparently he nvr listen ba. Thn boys got say also. Thn we also keep saying, But nvr heard ba. Thn he give us 10secs to say if not jiu cct training dismiss, thn they can go eat mac breakfast. LOL, thn we buaysong liao, thn he countdown. Thn 10 secs up, he angry and ask us keep logistic etc and take bag and go home. LOL, starting me, audrey, rachel, chiawee, zemin and shijie dont dare de. But jaslin they all walk jiu follow them. LOL. Thn went cp first, walk with audrey, rachel, jaslin, alicia, xinyi. Run to help kangwei, melvin and junjie their mac breakfast. LOLOL, funny sia, :D Go pet shop cos rachel nid buy things. Bid goodbye to rachel before going to hougang mall. Thn ate at kopitiam. LOL. Funny sia. Eat thn talk. Thn went in timezone when we wearing crest tee. LOL, :O Thn went outside and started playing and cam-whore. :D Took quite alot of photos. Thn walkwalkwalk, went to th neoprint machine in timezone thn take more photos. Thn went to fairprice, more photos. Total like 51 sia. Thn sit at macs, buy ice-cream. LOL, xinyi went off followed by audrey. Jaslin water bottle was at audrey there. LOLs. Chitchat. Thn walk around and went to another fairprice. LOL, play. Damn funny lo. Jaslin was beside me on my right thn there was a guy on my left. Thn jaslin was like suddenly sing :
没有他. Thn th person beside me was like "ahem". LOL, thn me adn alicia look at th guy and suddenly ROFLMAO sia. LOL, damn funny lo. Funny ttm. :] Thn went out, walk a big round and jaslin sing again, and got ppl looking at her. LOLOL, thn took mrt to sengkang again. Walk around cp, went to kfc. LOL, persuade ppl join cct sia. Girls especially. :) Manage to persuade ellis and huixuan sia, jingqi also. LOLOL, i am so pround of myself ^^ Thn dad and bro came, bid goodbye, waited for mom thn went to swensen. HAHAHAHHA, song ar. Ate sia. :D LOLOL, thn eat topless 5. Cool, mango th. xD nice ttm sia. LOLOL, thn went walkwalk. LOLOL, bro want buy sport shoe. LOL, buy finish thn went home. OMG, i wore crest tee for 12 hours. 8am till 8pm. Zz -.- Thn went home, mom snatch toilet with me. Thn waited for her to finish using, use com. LOL, bathe, watch tv, use com, sms, msn, twitter, facebook, blogging, bloghop, youtube.
Nice one, spamspam.
Now 1.08 liao ley, sunday le. Tired, :P
LOLOL, want sleep le. :]
Night everyone. ^^
9:43 pm
happy birthday brother !
LOLOL, being lame. :D
Hahahah, yup, today is my brother's birthday.
So he is alr 9 years old. LOLOL,
:D didn't have present for him, as i told him his present is to be able to use com.
so maybe not using at night ? o.o
Nvm, my bro want to eat swensen, but i object !
Why my birthday go suntec eat kopitiam while my bro can go cp eat swensen ?!?!
Not fair, all for one, one for all.
So my bro also must eat kopitiam !
LOL, kidding. I not so evil and stubborn de. :D
Can try and 'scam' my parents through my bro's birthday dinner. LOL.
WHAHAHHAHAHA, i am so clever to think of tht. :P
LOL, okayokay, tmr or maybe today, nid to wake up for cca early. :(
So, nights everyone. :]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LING ZUN YANG GILBERT ! again i bet i am going to say tht alot of times to him as his birthday present. xD
12:12 am
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
tired :(
LOL, damn tired sia. ><
ytd also got campcraft team training sia. -.-
Tired sia. Zz -.-
Lame ~
Wednesday :Went kk hospital early in th morning sia. Sian lor, woke at 7 plus when i slept at 1 to 2am sia. Sleepy lor. Thn prepare, bring bro to his student care, thn took bus to mrt and took mrt. LOL, th mrt is crowded sia. So many office lady and office gentlemen ? LOLO. Stop at little india before proceeding to kk hospital. Ate breakfast, i am still th last to finish. LOL, mom and dad quarreling ? Or maybe not ba. Thn went to day surgery, take queue and waitwaitwait. LOL. Thn her queue number is 8008 sia. Nice number. LOL, waited for awhile, thn do some admin stuff thn my mom enter th 'room'. LOL, surgery bout 30 minutes, thn nid rest for 1 and a half hours. Sian, nid wait for 2 hours sia. LOL, slack at th day surgery there first, thn we went to th kkh mall walkwalk, went macs and ate shacker fries. :D LOL, slackslackslack, thn went 7-11, buy slurpee. LOL, my dad can say cold jokes sia. Zz, LOL, thn went to day surgery again, wait for mom. LOL, she come out, got 1 week mc sia. Nice one. LOL, thn walkwalk, thn went bugis. Can't believe right ? My mom just got her surgery and she still can go bugis shop ? LOL, walk around bugis junction for awhile till my mom started to feel pain. LOLs, plan to went suntec meet with cousins and aunt sia, but mom not feeling well, so went home. Reach home, plan to use com, thn dad plan to sleep de. But in th end, i went toilet for awhile thn come back my dad jiu went to play com. LOL, bobian so sleep. HAHHA, tired sia. LOL. Thn they go out, while i wake up and use com. LOLOL, some things happen. LOL, thn eat before going to temple and pray. LOL, thn went pp. Buy things and talk. Got a cute girlgirl lor. Cute ! Thn went back home, use com, sms, watch tv etc. Plan to sleep at 11pm, but on phone with huiwen till 1 am. 2hours. :D Thn sleep.
Thursday :Woke veh early although i overslept when my alarm rang. :( was raining lo, or maybe drizzling. Thn prepare thn went sch, sian sia, purposely walk long route sia. x[ reach sch thn slack thn start training. LOL, improve alot sia, hahahah, from 33:30 to less thn 8 minutes. xP HAHAHA, thn play dog and bone with audrey, shirley, rajmal, jaslin, alicia, xinyi, kangwei, junjie and muihwee. Veh fun sia, although did punishment. Danced banana dance and chicky dance. :( So damn paiseh. Thn went to cp with jaslin, alicia, muihwee, xinyi, ziling, tze ee, kangwei and junjie. LOL, plan to ate mac but full so went pizza hut. :D Cool, ate student meal, hahahah, muihwee served us in crest tee sia. Cool. Endless pepsi. xD Love it sia. Thn vote for some thingy. LOL, thn chitchat. HOHOHOO, thn went minitoons, and action city. LOL, thn went home. LOLOL, use com, sms etc. LOL, forget alr. xD Slept at 12am.
Friday :LOL, woke at 9, all thanks to my mom. She want me pei her eat breakfast. I veh sleepy lor. :( Thn wear house tee and went prime. LOL, ate thn buy some things. Thn wait mom buy lottery. Thn went econ before going home. LOL, watch 终极一班 first before going out to cp. LOL. Did some banking thing before eating at mos burger. LOL, nice sia. Thn walkwalk. LOL, mom buy clothes. -.- Tired sia. Thn mom went to lee hwa sia. LOL, she want buy smth. LOL, i almost fall asleep sia. Thn th saleperson damn cute. Hohohohoho, thn high abit. LOL, funny sia. xD thn she buy and went home. LOL, ate th durian pancake. Thn use com, bathe, sms, watch tv. LOLOL,
Yeah ! We will have another 6Grace'07 gathering lo. Bbq at pasir ris. :D Yeah, miss them loads sia, ^^ can't wait for it sia. :P
/True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice. ~ Samuel Johnson/In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
8:53 pm
Saturday, 12 December 2009
happy birthday BOONKIT and MDM SHUTING :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOONKIT !hahah, all th best in triple sci sia.
Sure top in lvl again de, LOL. Propro.
Nxt year no one lent me copy hmwk liao. :(
Hahahah, full marks for maths and science ar. :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MDM SHUTING ! Woo, LOL. Had campcraft team training today. Ohno man. Damn tired lo. I woke at 4 plus going 5 cos i had nightmare. Thn i can't get back to sleep. Keep thinking of tht scene sia. Thn went to my mom room and lie down thinking. LOL. Did not sleep till 6, when my dad woke and th house brighten up. But slept for 50 minutes nia. Thn prepare for sch. Reach sch just on time for training. And apparently, 17 ppl sia. Broke previous 3 trainings with 12 ppl nia. LOL, prepare logistic. Went to field. LOL, thn we girls started pegging. LOL, cos we nid to get a pegger. LOL, nice spelling. Had to peg 3 pegs in a row sia. Still must ahve like distance inbetween sia. From starting line, 3 foot thn first peg, thn 5 foot from first peg thn peg second one. Thn another 5 foot from second peg to peg th third one. LOL, within dk how many minutes. Thn aft tht break ? o.o thn we had to split up into 3 groups, 5 ppl in each group. My group got jaslin, junxiong, rachel and another sec 1 guy. Thn first group got kangwei, audrey, rajmal, yaohui (?) and shijie . Thn th other group got alicia, shirley, chiawee, zemin and idk how th last ppl, forget liao. :x LOL, all 3 teams have to do th basha within 30 minutes. LOL, we did. And we did it in 40 minutes. Th last team to complete, and our poncho is like cmi. Th skin of th basha fail i can say. But mdm say our structure veh stable, our lashing veh good. :D Tyty, me and jaslin tie de. HAHAHHA, xD Th other 2 teams th basha at least btr lor, ours like th toilet, thn alicia th like bedroom (cos veh nice de skin), while kangwei team is kitchen (cos their poncho got hole) LOL, our basha tio demolished liao when mdm checking for us on how we can improve btr. LOL, thn break thn nid to destroy it, WHAHAHHA, veh fast jiu settle liao, cos ours is alr half destroy ? Thn we separate into girls team and boys team. And we tio group into which catagory we are in. Cos we lack of a gril, ziling instructor take over a seat in th flag staff. Thn audrey and rachel go flag staff. Rachel pegger for flag. Thn alicia, me, jaslin, rajmal and shirley in basha. Alicia is pegger for basha, me and jaslin is set up structure de, thn rajmal is th poncho. Thn shirley is twine cutter. LOL, xinyi is solo for gadget. LOL, boys idk how they do, but only know chiawee is twine cutter. Thn we given 30 minutes again, to have our flag erected, basha and gadget ready. LOL, and start. Dododo ~ We ended up faster thn guys ? Cos their flag nvr up yet cos mdm shuting teaching. LOL, we complete in 33 minutes and 30 seconds. LOL, improve liao lo. Thn break etc. Chitchat chitchat. Thn some debrief by mdm yingfang and mdm shuting. Today is mdm shuting birthday, tht wat mdm yingfang told us, and we sang happy birthday, in eng, chi and tamil version. :D Thn thot got games, inthend no. :( i go training cos of th games sia, caption ball ! :( LOL, thn slack, drank h2o bought by miss leow. LOL, thn alicia told us tht mdm yingfang and shuting were talking in toilet veh loudly while bathing. LOL, thn we go listen, funny sia. Hahahahah, thn we went out, me and jaslin go take 2 mdm yingfang stuffs. :D MUHAHAHAHA, but when mdm yingfang come out, she only claim back 1 item nia. LOL. Thn her clip still with us. Hohohohoho. Thn went to cp. One whole group, around 16 ppl, including sirs, mdm, seniors etc went kfc sia. Thn sat with jaslin, alicia and rachel. Ate , LOL. And we started crapping. talk and talk and talk. Thn slowly one by one wennt home. Sirs and mdms went kbox ? Thn left me, jaslin, alicia and muihwee chitchat. LOL, talk till around 5 plus going 6 thn we left kfc. HAHAHA, went cold storage, look and discuss bout choco. ^^ Thn talktalktalk, thn muihwee bought sushi thn we went to bus interchange, chitchat again while waiting for bus. Bus 83 come liao, boarded with alicia. Thn chitchat also. LOL, thn she went off. Went to meet mom, mom is feeling sick. Ugh. LOL, went home. Ate thn watch tv. On com, bathe etc. LOL, mom temperature was 37.4, Omg, and she slept at 8 ? LOL, sms use com etc. House was total silent if i didn't on th tv and th music sia. Scary ttm. LOLOL. Dad came home and gave mom medicine. Sweet ! :D
okayokay, dad want use com liao.
Shall end here.
Cos i want to sleep, as i slept veh short today due to th nightmare.
Zz. -.-
Goodnight. :}
And Happy birthday once more to BOONKIT and Mdm SHUTING ! :P
9:31 pm
Friday, 11 December 2009
LOLOL, life is boring, tht's way nvr post.
LOLs, liddat lo.
basically wat i normally did for normal days.
just tht tmr got cca again.
sian ttm. :D
LOL, hope i not in flag staffs again,
although is quite fun. :D
and huangyan msn some cute winks ytd,
which is like saying bout himself. HAHAH.
sms and watch tv should be mostly wat i did ba.
now msn and sms and watching
終極三國. :D
LOLOL, bye. xD
1:26 pm
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Hell hell hell.
Previously wat i type all gone.
Zz, ytd de/
Nvm, those who read, good for u, those haven, sad for u.
xD Lazy go retype liao.
4:33 pm
Thursday, 3 December 2009
yeah, my bro going camp tmr.
th com will be mine. xP
watching 海派甜心 and 終極三國.
HAHA, chiong lo. :D
nowdays rotting at home is bored ttm.
anyone want go out ?
rmb ask me also. HAHAHAH. :]
7:39 pm
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
i am back !
yeahyeahyeah. i back again.
computer fix alr.
so can start go crazy again/
went malaysia a few days ago.
went KL. funfun.
my ahyi go cut my bangs, now veh holey.
HAHA, like joey's.
was sick, as my cousin pass me th virus. :[
due to this, i 'pon' npcc campcraft team training and sport leader. xP
not pon, got valid reason de.
manymany different things happen also.
10:52 pm
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Happy birthday KAILUN and LOUIS :)
LOLOL, i wanted to post looooooooongloooooooooooong time ago.
But my stupid bro lost his phone and my mom make me go and find it.
But intheend, found NTH ! Hell ~!!!
somemore i fb, msn, sms, twitter etc, till i midnight thn post. ._.
LOLOL, nvmnvm i wouldn't angry,
cos i have a superawesomeHIGHEQbrain. :X
Today (or maybe ytd ?), woke at 7am. Sia, i late lor. OMFGOJFIIOHVONVLW ! LOLOL. I am late sia, was supposed to meet jaslin they all @ cp @ 7.30. [LOL, i getting too lazy liao, tht why replace 'at' with @ xD] LOOL, chiong everything and managed to rach cp @ 7.35. Wonderful ! LOLOL, walk to sch with audrey, alicia, jaslin and xinyi, Didn't know tht xinyi took th same lrt and mrt with me. LOL, i lagger. xP Thn reach sch, sit awhile and talktalk. LOL, thn fall in on time. Waited, thn mdm joyce tan come. LOL, chat etc. Kangwei and melvin are so damn funny, make me and chiawee laugh like ... Thn mdm take keys and bring logistic out. LOL, went field. ): Boo, field means nid peg, somemore th field wet wet de. LOL, but heng i not pegger. Thn did, LOL, cmi sia. nvr hit target at all. :(((((((( BOOOOO, rawr ! Thn high thn low thn high. But mostly i am high. [Cos i have a superawesomeHIGHNESSbrain.] Siao liao me. Thn all go crazy ? LOL, around 11 plus end cct. Went cp with alicia and jaslin. OMG !! My dolphin which is suppose to be on my bag went missing. DDDDDDDDDDDD: sad sia. My darlingggggg ~~ LOLOL, ate kfc. Jaslin and alicia buy black pepper chicken. LOLOL, and jaslin can't eat finish, LOL, slack @ there. Thn jaslin suggested to play true or dare. Hehehehehe, she told us her biggest secret sia jaslin. xD LOLOL,
IT IS A SECRET ! Thn went to hm. LOLOL, walk around. Went chameleon and popular. Thn went to continue our true and dare @ library. Cool, we play true throughout. Read comics. LOL, talktalk. H2H ba. Thn took mrt and lrt to rm. Saw wanling @ hougang station. Thn went to rm (rivervale mall). LOLOL, went fairprice, share kinder beuno white with jaslin. Nice ! :)))))))) LOL, went to daiso, LOL, seesee looklook hearhear. LOL, slacking ? Thn walk to alicia house there thn went home. Reach home slack ba. LOL, use com, bathe etc. Thn my bro realised tht his phone went missing. OMGCTBIEWBICBIUEBUIBCW, he lost it. Nice one, keep calling his phone. Nvr off and it is ringing, but no one answer. LOL, since i have unlimited sms and i have a superawesomeCLEVERbrain, i spam msg to my bro. xD Hope someone saw it and give me a call. :D Maybe santa would be kind enough to grant this wish though it is alr 27dec. xP Jesus bless me thn. Or maybe bless my brother. Thn msn, sms, fb, twitter, blog etc. LOL.
Nicenice. I actually want post before 27/12 de.
But so sad, i posted on 27/12.
same day birthday sia.
Dont claim present from me. :D:D:D
Clever me state tht no present will be given here alr.
Hehehe, all thanks to my superawesomeCLEVERbrain.
LOL, i crazy alr. Tio wanling influence.
Cos she say i have a :
superawesomeRUBBISHEXCUSES/JOKESbrain [i suggested and she agree with it]
superawesomeRANDOMbrain !
Keep superawesome______brain. LOL th '___' is any noun also can and must be in CAPS !
Must be compliment de thn i can accept. :D
okayokay, th superawesomeGOODbrain ask me to wish th birthday uncles again.
So yup and would be their present.
third time alr, ur present ba. :Diloveyou.
and 8 more days to schooling. D:
1:20 am
Thursday, 24 December 2009

Woohoo. LOL, now start countdown ba.Now left 1 more hour till 25/12.
Wow, cool. LOLOL, continue watching my 终极一家.HOHOHOHOHO ~Can't wait for Christmas ley. Woo, 50 more minutes !Exciting ~Heheheheh. :DLOL, so looooooooooong sia th time, Now just past by 5 minutes nia.and th time now is 11.16 pm.
Wonderful !LOLOL. now is 11.30. 30 more minutes ! :)Just finish writing th arrival/departure card sia.Going malaysia tmr. :]Now is 11.44 pm.Nice timing. LOLOLOL. yeah, 11.45 pm le. 15 more minutes !LOLOL. 11.50 alr.10 more minutes ! Woohoo ~ I'm loving it !.So exitced !Whahahah. 9 more minutes. Interesting. I think i am lame sia. :P8 more minutes ! Wow, fast. x]HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH ~7 more minutes ! CoolCool. Jingle bells jingle bells ~6 more minutes ! Yeahyeahyeah ~Woo woo ~ ILOVINGIT/5 more minutes ~ OMG, i am countdown-ing. 4 more minutes. I am countdown-ing on twitter too.3 more minutes ~ Cool !On facebook also.2 more minutes. Siao liao me.Siao keng. 1 more minute le.Omg, so busy.On twitter, facebook and blogger.
Christmas ~YEAH, everyone !
Wonderful ~
My facebook, twitter and msn all got merry christmas liao.
HAhAH, and i sent out msg too. LOL.
and i went around telling ppl merry christmas on msn. LOL,
those tht were online. LOLOL,
and tht's how i got spam on msn, sms, fb, twitter sia.
and i went around liking those who write Merry christmas on fb. :D
I have nth to do sia. HOHOOHOOH.
BUT, Christmas means 10 more days to schooling. AHHHHHHHHHHHH ~ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !anyway, tht is a fact. Put tht aside first.
MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLES ! it's true bout th countdown i did on this post. :)
LOLOL, many sent 'Merry christmas' by smsing sia.
Like Liangliang, huiwen, maisie, joey, wanling, liling, michelle.t, yewhui, baozhen, michelle.c, evangeline, hongjun, angeline, eileen, huangyan, jasmine, muihwee, rajmal, shirley. [according to time]
ps cos i forget msn who msn me alr, so yup, only sms. LOL, i sent to like 51 ppl ? WOW ~
and chiawee reply me tht he want to sleep. -.-
LOL, so boring sia him.
OHNO, i so high now. LOLOL, high-ness. :D
Woohoo. LOL. Christmas sia. LOLOL,
Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way ~~
Heheheheheh. okayokay, i am still crazy over Christmas.
i bet i will become low aft christmas which is aft 23.59. :(
Woke at 9 plus or 10 plus. I forget. xD HAHAHA, slack awhile. I lai chuang. Thn dad use com see some videos on robbery. LOL, one video damn nice sia. Cool xD Inthend th baddies got caught and were injured. LOL, bathe and wore dress. OMG ?! Unbelievable. LOL, thn went off to Orchard. Did not go malaysia cos traffic jam ? Thn my uncle can't come in to Singapore. So maybe tmr go. LOLOL, went
Wisma Atria first. LOL, ate at Food republic. Nice luh. Alot ppl keep asking " 有没有人坐 ?" And i always replied "有/have" LOL, ate thn went to walkwalk. Hahaha, mom went to espirit buy jeans and shirt. LOL, she damn cheapo i can say. LOLOL, and she got membership card liao. -.- cos got 10% sia if got th card. ._. Thn walk to taktashimaya shopping center. Thn walkwalk. Took photos. LOL, thn went to 313 @ somerset. So damn cool. New shopping mall, thn all th shops are like so damn big ?! LOL, cool. Th cotton on is damn big i can say. LOL. Got apple mac shop/ Thn went to orchard central. Got istudio. LOL, so many apple mac shop. LOL, thn went further in th mall got a tall tall tall christmas tree. Thn took photos. Even took with the santa claus. Hohoho. So cute sia. Thn walkwalk. Went to Centrepoint and ate ToastBox. Yummy, ^^ thn walkwalk, walk to douby. Mom buy new phone. Samsung Star sia, $299 ley without line. Thn take mrt back to cp. Went popular and bought books. LOL. Went to pay at th cashier and shunbian renewed my pop card. LOL, thn found out tht th ppl gave me wrong chinese textbook and workbook. I study HCL but they gave me CL. LOL, th ppl help me change. Thn i want HCl 3b workbook but they gave me textbook. -.- 2 times sia th error. LOL, thn th person dk why gave us 6 rolls of book covers. LOL, cos th person say over $200 jiu got 3 rolls first. But cos th HCl book aft tht thn counted so like got 6 ? LOL. thn went to kfc and ate dinner. Thn went timezone find bro but just can't. Finally found him. LOL, thn went home. HAHAHAHAH, got ppl sing christmas carol. LOL, thn reach home. LOL, use com thn bathe. LOL, watch th polar express on okto. :X Still trying to be young. Thn use com, LOLOL. Fb-ing, twittering, blogging, bloghopping, msn-ing, smsing. LOLOL, marvellous.
LOL, unbelievable.
Now is 1.31 am.
And i have cca tmr @ 8am. OMG.
LOLOL, i suppose i nid to sleep now.
Cos tmr meeting jaslin, alicia, audrey and rachel (? idk sia) @ cp @ 7.30.
LOL, set alarm @ 6.30,
but i am sure i will overslept,
either i snooze it all th way to 6.45
or i nvr hear th alarm and autowake @ 6.45.
LOL, just know tht i will be late if i didn't sleep now. SO,
will update th photos someday, maybe tmr ? if i am free. xD
10:53 pm

LOLOL, i wanna countdown to christmas.
So later i will blog again while countdown-ing. :D
Hohohoho. xD
today just rotting at home.
Dad went home early cos he nid go for patrolling in plain clothes at Orchard at night.
LOLs, he bring many many chocolates tht his friends gave him for christmas.
Hahahahahah, so many so many. :(
I want all, but my dad say nid share. D:
so i divided equally among me and my bro. ._.
LOLOL, dad at first say want order pizza aft he woke,
but inthend he say tmr.
Told mom to order instead and she say tmr again. -.-
So ended up going downstairs and buy spring chicken. LOL.
鸡. LOLOL. :DLOL, whole day use com watch 终极一家, x-family.
Nice ley. HOHOHOHO. :D
LOL, can't wait for CHRISTMAS ! ~
HOHOHO, okay some random photos. :D
Chocolates tht my dad received.

Good for him, but we eat it. :D LALALAL ~
Hehehe,2 hours and 32 minutes to CHRISTMAS !
8:00 pm
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Fun !
hais, LOL.
dont care alr. o.o
Monday had 6grace'07 outing.
ytd went to rebond my hair.
today went out with jaslin and alicia.
Woohoo ~
MONDAY :LOL, woke up quite early, around 9 plus ? :O prepare thn went to ahma house. LOL, sleepy sia. Reach simei, LOL, went up. Talktalk, taught kimberly maths. :P Ate u-mian cook by ahma. Damn nice sia, can go open a stall liao. :D Thn ate breakfast or maybe lunch (?) jiu went out and meet liliang and th rest. Was late as we were suppose to meet at 1pm at ehub but i reach at going 2pm ? Ps ar, LOL. Meet liling, jieling, diane, bleston, junjie, weixiang, jerron. Waited for nickson and weijie. LOL, weijie so damn funny can. He was like " hello, oi oi oi " to th phone cos jerron call him, but he nvr know tht we at his left side nia. Hahahaha, was like so damn funny can, somemore liling call out his and nickson name, and nickson know we at there le. But weijie just say tht. LOL, funny ttm. LOL, thn we girls went toilet, while th boys went mac. Liling almost lost her ez-link card as she drop it in th toilet. Call th boys thn went to look at th map for our bbq pit before finding them. Thn slack at there. Th boys were like a market okay. Thn me, liling, jieling and diane were like waiting for them. Lalalalal ~ Thn went to wait for jeremy th king ? LOL, liling was like at there acting some tour guide which tell th tourist : 'Welcome to ehub ! ' HAHAHA, funny. xD Thn jerron and weixiang went to find jeremy, LOL, jeremy arrived and we went fairprice to buy those stuffs. LOL. Cool ley, we bought so many bottles of drinks but veh little food. XD hahahah, thn we bring everything to th bbq pit. LOLOL, slackslack, some boys went walkwalk, some went to play soccer. Diane and jieling went walkwalk also. Me, liling, junjie, nickson and weijie play cards. xD thn playplayplay. Junjie taught nickson how to play taiti (?). o.o thn playplay, soon, more ppl come. xD Yeah, chitchat and play poker with bleston, junjie, jeremy. LOL, cos big wind, i use my phone to press th card, thn i say who win can get my phone. Thn jeremy just pick up my phone and plan to put in his pocket cos he say he knew he will win de. -.- Thn start fire, but bigbig wind. :( thn make fire. LOLOL, fire finally start alr. :) Thn went to prepare etc. I in-charge of bbq-ing, aprilia is th one putting th butter on th food etc, thn jerron cook th satay. LOLOL, cool sia. Th smoke make me till my eyes red red like crying liddat. LOL, th boys keep saying i cry. -.- xD Thn stop cos th fire going out le. LOL, thn rest. Play poker with bleston, jeremy, michelle, vivian and junjie. Walao, bleston, jeremy and junjie gang me. :[ bully me sia. Thn ate one chicken wing and many mashmallow. xD Thn continue help bbq th satay, LOL. Ate 2 sticks nia. Thn liling, jieling, crystal.a, crystal.t, diane went off. LOL, thn we started packing up. :) Thn me, michelle, vivian, aprilia, jeremy, junjie, bleston, jerron, weixiang, nickson, weijie were talking bout th past of 6grace. HAHAHAHHA, cool ! :D alot memories went back, xD thn pack up and went to ehub. LOL, saw liling and th rest. HAHAH, so qiao. Thn we decide where to have our dinner cum supper, LOLOL, decided to went back prime to eat. At bus stop saw liling they all again. :D thn board bus 3. Sat with junjie, vivian, michelle, jerron. Nickson and weijie sat in front of us. Bleston and jeremy sat at th most front. xD Thn talktalktalk. Funny, sms also. :] Thn was raining heavily at punggol. Or maybe not ? LOL, drop off at prime thn went to th kopitiam beside prime with michelle, vivian, aprilia, junjie, bleston, jeremy and weijie. AHHAHA, boys sit one row girls another row. LOL, damn funny. I sit opposite junjie cos we both only buy drinks but nvr eat. Thn michelle sit opposite bleston cos they veh close since young. Vivian opposite weijie cos they stay on th same block. Aprilia opposite jeremy cos both are ang mo (cos their eng is btr thn chi). LOLOL, talktalk, thn all go home. Damn scary ley, veh dark. Thn alot weird noise. :( LOOL, reach home, sms, watch tv, eat supper. Slept at 1am plusplus.
TUESDAY :Wake up at 11 plus. OMG, so late and my mom nvr pester me to wake up sia, Cos she 10 plus thn wake also. xD Thn eat asam laksa, thn prepare before going to hougang some place. LOL, idk where is it. Took 83 and change to 88. LOL, my mom took away my $50. :( LOL, went to a salon called hair hub, LOL. Went there alot of times le. Th hairdresser damn cool can. LOL, thn rebond my hair while mom colour her hair. :) Cool, was boring de lor. Ps jaslin can't go www cos my hair. :D Thn sms also. LOL, finally, aft dk how many hours, my hair done le. LOL, not used to it. Went home etc etc. Daily stuff.
WEDNESDAY :LOL, woke at 10am when i suppose to meet jaslin and alicia at 11am. Nice one, faster do things etc. LOL, went out and took bus. Reach there just on time again. :D Waited for jaslin at cp. LOL, alicia was in th mrt station while i was outside. HOHOHO, thn went in. Took mrt to hougang mall. Jaslin redraw her money and we ate nasi lemak at qiji. LOL, miracle. -.- Thn went to plaza sing. Mrt-ed there. Took photos. LOLOL, went to play acarde, i spent $7 plus sia. :[ Thn went to the cathay buy movie tickets. Avatar, 1.50pm, hall 2. H2 -4. LOL, bought nacho combo. Thn went in and watch, MUHAHAHAHAH, was so damn nice i tell u. LOLOL, amazing sia. Some touching parts, was veh touched and tears were bout to roll down but tht jaslin keep doing some weird weird stuffs. Me and alicia ask and reply jaslin th same things sia. :D Great minds think alike. :P Thn finally ended, went to take mrt to vivo, saw muihwee and siti. OMG ?!?! Thn mrt to vivo. LOL, took more photos. Jaslin slippers suddenly spoil ? Went to vivomart to find a pair of cheap slippers for her. LOL, but slack there. Inthend i went to ask a stall ppl to give me rubber bands and jaslin slippers settle alr. Went minitoons buy sweets and went diaso with timezone. LOL, thn went home cos we all cannot so late reach home. Thn want take mrt. But so many ppl sia. We ended up queuing up sia. -.- Jaslin th slowest. :P On mrt took more photo ? We gave up our seats to 2 pregnant women which came from different stations continuous. LOL, and we saw another kind soul giving up to another pregnant woman. Woah, so many women pregnant sia. xP LOL, went sengkang thn took bus 83. LOL, bus 83 was like damn long okay. LOLOL, thn bus-ed back and reach home. Ate dinner and use com. LOL, upload photos on fb. LOL, msn with aaron and yentzie. Sentout chain msg, LOL, those iloveyou or smile thingy. HAHAHHA, lame. Cos i unlimited de mah, :D
AND AVATAR IS A NICE MOVIE ! xDLOLOL, okayokay, i type veh long i can say.
Now alr 24/12/09 liao ley, Time : 2.15 am.
Nice one, and told u all alr :
YENTZIE ALSO GOODY GUY LUH. :D Scared later yt jealous. Opps. Kidding,
HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE !some pictures taken today.
Th rest are on fb. :D

LOL, jaslin suggested it de. xD

Me and jaslin in hm toilet. LOLOL.

Movie ticket ! AVATAR !!!

So cute right ? Cow so cute but it look like a pig. xD LOLOL. Minitoon de. :D

LOL, th girl behind which 'ran off' is veh cute okay. :D
LOLOL, nights everyone thn. I want countdown for tmr !
20 hours till CHRISTMAS !
10:26 pm
Monday, 21 December 2009
6Grace'07 gathering tmr.
LOL, as i have nth to post cos my day today is boring.
Due to th evil flu. >:[
ate medicine and slept during afternoon and woke,
but th flu just wouldn't go off. :(
But it went away at around 9 ? amazing !
LOL, flu attack sia/D:
who cares. LOLOL.
and th
kind me, just finish helping
Help him put th songs he wanted on his blog.
total 5 songs sia. LOLOL, free service hor. >:/
songs: bad romance by lady gaga, whatcha say by jason derulo, tick tock by kesha, one time and one less lonely girl by justin bieber.
HOHOHOHO, see me so kind sia.
and he call me th EQ QUEEN !?!?
LOOL, weird sia. xP
but, th clever me, is going to claim my present from him,
when sch reopen. HAHAHA,
going to claim 2 presents, one for helping him and another for my birthday.
although i owe him 2 cup walker and 2 meal. D:
and it alr monday. and it is going to be 1am. and it is 6Grace'07 gathering today.and it is a bbq gathering.and it is going to start at 1pm when i meet th peepos.and it means i only have around 12 hours to prepare. and it have to minus off 10 hours for my sleep.and it have to deduct 30 minutes for th bus ride.and it means i only have 1 hour and 30 minutes left. and it means, i have to end here.and it mean i want to sleep.and it is therefore, goodnight everyone. :]
\colourful sia/ :D
and crap i can say.
some are not true, some are not fake.
i am really having 6Grace outing,
i am really going to meet them at 1pm.
i am really going to take th bus for 30 minutes.
i am really have to end here.
i am really wanting to sleep.
BUT ... !
i am not only going for th outing;
as i have to pei my mom to dentist.
i am not planning to sleep for 10 hours;
as i can't go to th dentist and sleep within 12 hours.
i am not planning to sleep now;
as i am still awake.
i am not going to say goodnight to you;
just kidding.
okay, all this are crap.
these are just making my post
loooooooooooooooong only.
pardon me if u get pissed by looking at those
colourful and wonderful craps.
12:45 am
Saturday, 19 December 2009
LOL, today is really slack ?
cos i didn't get sunburn again. xP
Today, woke. As usual, 6.45 wake, prepare, slack, went back to rest for awhile. LOL, thn dad drove me. :D Went to ACC and buy mac, LOL, through th drive in thingy. xD Buy sausage muffin meal with another hashbrown. LOL, ate half of th muffin thn give dad. Thn dad drove me to sch while i eat my hashbrown. :] LOL, thn reach sch before i eat finish sia. Zz, walk to canteen while eating and drinking. xP Thn went to fall in, LOL, TzeEe and muihwee not in good mood i suppose, LOL. Thn fall in etc, did as per normal. LOL, we do 3 times nia thn smth happen. LOL, we have a break thn we were suppose to discuss. We did discuss, thn fall in. Thn sir ask us to tell him wat we discuss, we girls got say, but apparently he nvr listen ba. Thn boys got say also. Thn we also keep saying, But nvr heard ba. Thn he give us 10secs to say if not jiu cct training dismiss, thn they can go eat mac breakfast. LOL, thn we buaysong liao, thn he countdown. Thn 10 secs up, he angry and ask us keep logistic etc and take bag and go home. LOL, starting me, audrey, rachel, chiawee, zemin and shijie dont dare de. But jaslin they all walk jiu follow them. LOL. Thn went cp first, walk with audrey, rachel, jaslin, alicia, xinyi. Run to help kangwei, melvin and junjie their mac breakfast. LOLOL, funny sia, :D Go pet shop cos rachel nid buy things. Bid goodbye to rachel before going to hougang mall. Thn ate at kopitiam. LOL. Funny sia. Eat thn talk. Thn went in timezone when we wearing crest tee. LOL, :O Thn went outside and started playing and cam-whore. :D Took quite alot of photos. Thn walkwalkwalk, went to th neoprint machine in timezone thn take more photos. Thn went to fairprice, more photos. Total like 51 sia. Thn sit at macs, buy ice-cream. LOL, xinyi went off followed by audrey. Jaslin water bottle was at audrey there. LOLs. Chitchat. Thn walk around and went to another fairprice. LOL, play. Damn funny lo. Jaslin was beside me on my right thn there was a guy on my left. Thn jaslin was like suddenly sing :
没有他. Thn th person beside me was like "ahem". LOL, thn me adn alicia look at th guy and suddenly ROFLMAO sia. LOL, damn funny lo. Funny ttm. :] Thn went out, walk a big round and jaslin sing again, and got ppl looking at her. LOLOL, thn took mrt to sengkang again. Walk around cp, went to kfc. LOL, persuade ppl join cct sia. Girls especially. :) Manage to persuade ellis and huixuan sia, jingqi also. LOLOL, i am so pround of myself ^^ Thn dad and bro came, bid goodbye, waited for mom thn went to swensen. HAHAHAHHA, song ar. Ate sia. :D LOLOL, thn eat topless 5. Cool, mango th. xD nice ttm sia. LOLOL, thn went walkwalk. LOLOL, bro want buy sport shoe. LOL, buy finish thn went home. OMG, i wore crest tee for 12 hours. 8am till 8pm. Zz -.- Thn went home, mom snatch toilet with me. Thn waited for her to finish using, use com. LOL, bathe, watch tv, use com, sms, msn, twitter, facebook, blogging, bloghop, youtube.
Nice one, spamspam.
Now 1.08 liao ley, sunday le. Tired, :P
LOLOL, want sleep le. :]
Night everyone. ^^
9:43 pm
happy birthday brother !
LOLOL, being lame. :D
Hahahah, yup, today is my brother's birthday.
So he is alr 9 years old. LOLOL,
:D didn't have present for him, as i told him his present is to be able to use com.
so maybe not using at night ? o.o
Nvm, my bro want to eat swensen, but i object !
Why my birthday go suntec eat kopitiam while my bro can go cp eat swensen ?!?!
Not fair, all for one, one for all.
So my bro also must eat kopitiam !
LOL, kidding. I not so evil and stubborn de. :D
Can try and 'scam' my parents through my bro's birthday dinner. LOL.
WHAHAHHAHAHA, i am so clever to think of tht. :P
LOL, okayokay, tmr or maybe today, nid to wake up for cca early. :(
So, nights everyone. :]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LING ZUN YANG GILBERT ! again i bet i am going to say tht alot of times to him as his birthday present. xD
12:12 am
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
tired :(
LOL, damn tired sia. ><
ytd also got campcraft team training sia. -.-
Tired sia. Zz -.-
Lame ~
Wednesday :Went kk hospital early in th morning sia. Sian lor, woke at 7 plus when i slept at 1 to 2am sia. Sleepy lor. Thn prepare, bring bro to his student care, thn took bus to mrt and took mrt. LOL, th mrt is crowded sia. So many office lady and office gentlemen ? LOLO. Stop at little india before proceeding to kk hospital. Ate breakfast, i am still th last to finish. LOL, mom and dad quarreling ? Or maybe not ba. Thn went to day surgery, take queue and waitwaitwait. LOL. Thn her queue number is 8008 sia. Nice number. LOL, waited for awhile, thn do some admin stuff thn my mom enter th 'room'. LOL, surgery bout 30 minutes, thn nid rest for 1 and a half hours. Sian, nid wait for 2 hours sia. LOL, slack at th day surgery there first, thn we went to th kkh mall walkwalk, went macs and ate shacker fries. :D LOL, slackslackslack, thn went 7-11, buy slurpee. LOL, my dad can say cold jokes sia. Zz, LOL, thn went to day surgery again, wait for mom. LOL, she come out, got 1 week mc sia. Nice one. LOL, thn walkwalk, thn went bugis. Can't believe right ? My mom just got her surgery and she still can go bugis shop ? LOL, walk around bugis junction for awhile till my mom started to feel pain. LOLs, plan to went suntec meet with cousins and aunt sia, but mom not feeling well, so went home. Reach home, plan to use com, thn dad plan to sleep de. But in th end, i went toilet for awhile thn come back my dad jiu went to play com. LOL, bobian so sleep. HAHHA, tired sia. LOL. Thn they go out, while i wake up and use com. LOLOL, some things happen. LOL, thn eat before going to temple and pray. LOL, thn went pp. Buy things and talk. Got a cute girlgirl lor. Cute ! Thn went back home, use com, sms, watch tv etc. Plan to sleep at 11pm, but on phone with huiwen till 1 am. 2hours. :D Thn sleep.
Thursday :Woke veh early although i overslept when my alarm rang. :( was raining lo, or maybe drizzling. Thn prepare thn went sch, sian sia, purposely walk long route sia. x[ reach sch thn slack thn start training. LOL, improve alot sia, hahahah, from 33:30 to less thn 8 minutes. xP HAHAHA, thn play dog and bone with audrey, shirley, rajmal, jaslin, alicia, xinyi, kangwei, junjie and muihwee. Veh fun sia, although did punishment. Danced banana dance and chicky dance. :( So damn paiseh. Thn went to cp with jaslin, alicia, muihwee, xinyi, ziling, tze ee, kangwei and junjie. LOL, plan to ate mac but full so went pizza hut. :D Cool, ate student meal, hahahah, muihwee served us in crest tee sia. Cool. Endless pepsi. xD Love it sia. Thn vote for some thingy. LOL, thn chitchat. HOHOHOO, thn went minitoons, and action city. LOL, thn went home. LOLOL, use com, sms etc. LOL, forget alr. xD Slept at 12am.
Friday :LOL, woke at 9, all thanks to my mom. She want me pei her eat breakfast. I veh sleepy lor. :( Thn wear house tee and went prime. LOL, ate thn buy some things. Thn wait mom buy lottery. Thn went econ before going home. LOL, watch 终极一班 first before going out to cp. LOL. Did some banking thing before eating at mos burger. LOL, nice sia. Thn walkwalk. LOL, mom buy clothes. -.- Tired sia. Thn mom went to lee hwa sia. LOL, she want buy smth. LOL, i almost fall asleep sia. Thn th saleperson damn cute. Hohohohoho, thn high abit. LOL, funny sia. xD thn she buy and went home. LOL, ate th durian pancake. Thn use com, bathe, sms, watch tv. LOLOL,
Yeah ! We will have another 6Grace'07 gathering lo. Bbq at pasir ris. :D Yeah, miss them loads sia, ^^ can't wait for it sia. :P
/True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice. ~ Samuel Johnson/In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
8:53 pm
Saturday, 12 December 2009
happy birthday BOONKIT and MDM SHUTING :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOONKIT !hahah, all th best in triple sci sia.
Sure top in lvl again de, LOL. Propro.
Nxt year no one lent me copy hmwk liao. :(
Hahahah, full marks for maths and science ar. :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MDM SHUTING ! Woo, LOL. Had campcraft team training today. Ohno man. Damn tired lo. I woke at 4 plus going 5 cos i had nightmare. Thn i can't get back to sleep. Keep thinking of tht scene sia. Thn went to my mom room and lie down thinking. LOL. Did not sleep till 6, when my dad woke and th house brighten up. But slept for 50 minutes nia. Thn prepare for sch. Reach sch just on time for training. And apparently, 17 ppl sia. Broke previous 3 trainings with 12 ppl nia. LOL, prepare logistic. Went to field. LOL, thn we girls started pegging. LOL, cos we nid to get a pegger. LOL, nice spelling. Had to peg 3 pegs in a row sia. Still must ahve like distance inbetween sia. From starting line, 3 foot thn first peg, thn 5 foot from first peg thn peg second one. Thn another 5 foot from second peg to peg th third one. LOL, within dk how many minutes. Thn aft tht break ? o.o thn we had to split up into 3 groups, 5 ppl in each group. My group got jaslin, junxiong, rachel and another sec 1 guy. Thn first group got kangwei, audrey, rajmal, yaohui (?) and shijie . Thn th other group got alicia, shirley, chiawee, zemin and idk how th last ppl, forget liao. :x LOL, all 3 teams have to do th basha within 30 minutes. LOL, we did. And we did it in 40 minutes. Th last team to complete, and our poncho is like cmi. Th skin of th basha fail i can say. But mdm say our structure veh stable, our lashing veh good. :D Tyty, me and jaslin tie de. HAHAHHA, xD Th other 2 teams th basha at least btr lor, ours like th toilet, thn alicia th like bedroom (cos veh nice de skin), while kangwei team is kitchen (cos their poncho got hole) LOL, our basha tio demolished liao when mdm checking for us on how we can improve btr. LOL, thn break thn nid to destroy it, WHAHAHHA, veh fast jiu settle liao, cos ours is alr half destroy ? Thn we separate into girls team and boys team. And we tio group into which catagory we are in. Cos we lack of a gril, ziling instructor take over a seat in th flag staff. Thn audrey and rachel go flag staff. Rachel pegger for flag. Thn alicia, me, jaslin, rajmal and shirley in basha. Alicia is pegger for basha, me and jaslin is set up structure de, thn rajmal is th poncho. Thn shirley is twine cutter. LOL, xinyi is solo for gadget. LOL, boys idk how they do, but only know chiawee is twine cutter. Thn we given 30 minutes again, to have our flag erected, basha and gadget ready. LOL, and start. Dododo ~ We ended up faster thn guys ? Cos their flag nvr up yet cos mdm shuting teaching. LOL, we complete in 33 minutes and 30 seconds. LOL, improve liao lo. Thn break etc. Chitchat chitchat. Thn some debrief by mdm yingfang and mdm shuting. Today is mdm shuting birthday, tht wat mdm yingfang told us, and we sang happy birthday, in eng, chi and tamil version. :D Thn thot got games, inthend no. :( i go training cos of th games sia, caption ball ! :( LOL, thn slack, drank h2o bought by miss leow. LOL, thn alicia told us tht mdm yingfang and shuting were talking in toilet veh loudly while bathing. LOL, thn we go listen, funny sia. Hahahahah, thn we went out, me and jaslin go take 2 mdm yingfang stuffs. :D MUHAHAHAHA, but when mdm yingfang come out, she only claim back 1 item nia. LOL. Thn her clip still with us. Hohohohoho. Thn went to cp. One whole group, around 16 ppl, including sirs, mdm, seniors etc went kfc sia. Thn sat with jaslin, alicia and rachel. Ate , LOL. And we started crapping. talk and talk and talk. Thn slowly one by one wennt home. Sirs and mdms went kbox ? Thn left me, jaslin, alicia and muihwee chitchat. LOL, talk till around 5 plus going 6 thn we left kfc. HAHAHA, went cold storage, look and discuss bout choco. ^^ Thn talktalktalk, thn muihwee bought sushi thn we went to bus interchange, chitchat again while waiting for bus. Bus 83 come liao, boarded with alicia. Thn chitchat also. LOL, thn she went off. Went to meet mom, mom is feeling sick. Ugh. LOL, went home. Ate thn watch tv. On com, bathe etc. LOL, mom temperature was 37.4, Omg, and she slept at 8 ? LOL, sms use com etc. House was total silent if i didn't on th tv and th music sia. Scary ttm. LOLOL. Dad came home and gave mom medicine. Sweet ! :D
okayokay, dad want use com liao.
Shall end here.
Cos i want to sleep, as i slept veh short today due to th nightmare.
Zz. -.-
Goodnight. :}
And Happy birthday once more to BOONKIT and Mdm SHUTING ! :P
9:31 pm
Friday, 11 December 2009
LOLOL, life is boring, tht's way nvr post.
LOLs, liddat lo.
basically wat i normally did for normal days.
just tht tmr got cca again.
sian ttm. :D
LOL, hope i not in flag staffs again,
although is quite fun. :D
and huangyan msn some cute winks ytd,
which is like saying bout himself. HAHAH.
sms and watch tv should be mostly wat i did ba.
now msn and sms and watching
終極三國. :D
LOLOL, bye. xD
1:26 pm
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Hell hell hell.
Previously wat i type all gone.
Zz, ytd de/
Nvm, those who read, good for u, those haven, sad for u.
xD Lazy go retype liao.
4:33 pm
Thursday, 3 December 2009
yeah, my bro going camp tmr.
th com will be mine. xP
watching 海派甜心 and 終極三國.
HAHA, chiong lo. :D
nowdays rotting at home is bored ttm.
anyone want go out ?
rmb ask me also. HAHAHAH. :]
7:39 pm
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
i am back !
yeahyeahyeah. i back again.
computer fix alr.
so can start go crazy again/
went malaysia a few days ago.
went KL. funfun.
my ahyi go cut my bangs, now veh holey.
HAHA, like joey's.
was sick, as my cousin pass me th virus. :[
due to this, i 'pon' npcc campcraft team training and sport leader. xP
not pon, got valid reason de.
manymany different things happen also.
10:52 pm